Competencies enable you to evaluate a learner's knowledge and abilities as they participate in courses or other learning experiences.
To create a competency
- On the navbar, click Competencies.
- On the Competency Home page, from the New button, click Competency.

Figure: Use the New Competency page to name and setup your competency.
- Enter your New Competency details.
- To share the competency with users, in the Evaluation Settings section, select the Make competency and its children visible to users check box.
- If you are creating a competency in an org unit above the course offering level, you can click Add Org Units to share the competency with org units beneath it.
- In the Achievement Criteria section, select how users can achieve a competency.
You can also create competencies from an element's Structure area. In the Edit Structure tab, expand the Add Parent or Add Child option, and click New Competency.
Video: Create a competency
About competency versions
Depending on your settings, competency elements may have a Ready for Versioning property that you can enable to let the system track a previous definition of a competency each time you save your changes. Beginning with Version 1, Version numbers increment by 1. Competency version information can show every element in the competency structure except activities.
You cannot edit previous competency versions; however, your organization may track competency versions to review past changes to a competency structure's definition.