Assess assignment submissions against standards
On the assignment submission page, students can check a read-only list of the standards (learning outcomes) which have been aligned to the assignment. After the assignment is submitted, you can assess the assignment on the evaluation page for the submission. Note: When assessing group assignment submissions, the standards…
Create an assignment
Provide more efficient, timely, and meaningful grading and feedback. Create and edit assignments, see submission details, view submissions, associate assignments to rubrics and competencies, and return submissions with grades and feedback. On paper and observed in person assignment formats are also available. The Create…
Assessing assignment submissions
About assessing assignments There are several ways you can assess assignments: * Use built-in annotation tools to mark up submissions using highlighting, free-hand drawing, shapes, and associated commenting. * Evaluate student submissions using Anonymous Marking to remove bias in the grading process. * Evaluate submissions…
Set availability and due dates for an assignment
You can set availability and due dates for an assignment and schedule their visibility. It helps to prevent late submissions and allow view assignment information and submissions after it ends. Tip: You can set assignment availability dates without setting a due date. Conversely, you can set a due date without setting…
About Assignments
You can use the Assignments tool to create and edit assignments, see users’ submission times, view submissions on the Evaluate Submission page, associate assignments to rubrics and competencies, and return submissions with grades and feedback. For assignments that included file submissions, you can download the submissions…
Copy assignments to other courses
Instructors who teach multiple courses can now copy assignments to other courses. To copy assignments, you must be enrolled in both the source and destination course with a role having the permission Assignments > Copy to Other Courses in order to copy from source to destination. Note: The permission is turned Off for all…
Set release conditions for an assignment
Release conditions allow you to associate an assignment with other items in Brightspace. For example, you can require that users meet some criteria, such as reading a set of lecture notes in Content, before they can submit their work to an assignment. You can also make submission to the assignment a criterion for accessing…
Preview assignments in Evaluation mode
To edit assignments, a user specifically requires edit permissions. However, there are some instances when evaluators without those edit permissions need to be able to view assignment information, such as assignment instructions, start dates, and end dates. Note: If an submission is made to an assignment in Preview mode,…
Add and Edit categories to manage assignments
Organize your assignments into categories to make it easier for students to navigate to the appropriate assignment. For example, you can create separate categories for course units, summative projects, bonus assignments, and individual submissions. Your new category will appear on the Assignments page only if there are…
Restricted File Extensions
To use the Restricted File Extensions feature, the d2l.Tools.Dropbox.RestrictFileExtensions configuration variable must be ON. When the configuration variable is enabled, in the Submission and Completion accordion, you can see options to restrict file extensions on submissions for the assignment. The Allowable Filetypes…