Automatic evaluation can be initiated for approved competencies and learning objectives that are set to Ready for evaluation. If your organization enabled the Status settings option, only approved competencies (including approved competencies that you edit in draft mode and re-approve) can be re-evaluated. If your organization disabled the Status settings option, any competency changes you make can also initiate re-evaluation.
The following actions can initiate an automatic evaluation for an approved competency:
- Completing a child competency or learning objective.
- Adding parents or children to an associated learning objective.
- Removing parents or children from an associated learning objective.
- Changing or removing an activity’s achievement threshold.
- Changing an activity's assessment method (this erases the previous rubric or numeric assessment for that activity).
- Sharing or unsharing competencies with a child org unit.
The following actions can initiate an automatic evaluation for a learning objective that is set to Ready for evaluation:
- Completing a child learning objective or activity.
- Adding or removing a child learning objective or activity.
- Changing or removing an activity's achievement threshold.
- Changing an activity's assessment method (this erases the previous rubric or numeric assessment for that activity).
- Sharing or unsharing learning objectives with a child org unit (learning objectives are automatically shared if you share its associated parent competencies).
Understanding automatic evaluation
The competency, learning objective, and activity evaluation system automatically evaluates users as they work through competency structures. If you modify competency structures that users are currently working on, the evaluation system can also automatically re-evaluate each user's progress to determine if they meet the new requirements and update their results accordingly.