How do I edit questions in Brightspace LeaP?
You can edit questions in Brightspace LeaP after they have been created.
Note: You cannot delete questions.
- Click on the learning path.
- In the Edit Learning Path tab, click the Questions sub-tab.
- Click on the question row.
- Click Edit in the Preview column and make your changes.
- Click Submit.
Why aren't some of my questions showing up in Brightspace LeaP?
Brightspace LeaP currently supports multiple choice and true or false questions. Other types of questions loaded into Brightspace LeaP will be ignored.
Why would I want to use more than one question per learning objective on a test?
Learners often display mastery of a concept if they correctly answer three questions about it. By configuring Brightspace LeaP to display three questions per objective on tests, Brightspace LeaP can be more accurate in assessing a learner's mastery of an objective.
This is only recommended when there is a sufficient number of questions to draw from. Typically, this equals 20 or more per learning objective.
Why shouldn't I use Flash or media items that are not embedded in HTML?
Brightspace LeaP needs to compare the text of a learning outcome to text derived from content files to determine how well a specific content type relates to a learning outcome. For Flash, picture, video, and sound files, if the media is not embedded in an HTML file with a good description attached, Brightspace LeaP can only identify the file name, which is not enough to make an accurate match.
Why do some pages open in a new browser window?
Browser restrictions prevent unsecure content (served over http) from being embedded within a secure page (served over https). Since many hosted learning management system (LMS) instances are served over https, any external sites displayed in a learning path cannot be directly embedded in the path, and are served in a new window.
To minimize the number of browser windows that open, any external links should be added as https links whenever possible.
Why do some files download instead of displaying inline in Brightspace LeaP?
Brightspace LeaP renders files in the same way the learning management system (LMS) does.
If you are using Brightspace, many file types displayed inline will download if you view them in the Learning Objects Repository.
Why are some grades or grade book columns not displaying in Grade book?
If you are using Brightspace, columns are not created until the first grade is passed back. Grades for pretests do not get passed back.
How does Brightspace LeaP handle grade passing when multiple submissions are allowed?
Brightspace LeaP always passes back the most recent grade.
Why is unexpected course content displaying in Brightspace LeaP?
When you are setting up a course or learning path, remember that release, publish, and visibility conditions set in Brightspace are not considered by Brightspace LeaP. You can hide content manually after it has been indexed.
- Click on the learning path.
- Click Content Repositories > This Course.
- Clear the Visible check box beside the content that you want to hide.
Hiding content in one learning path hides that content for all other learning paths in that course.