Adding an accessible template package to your course files
D2L has designed a template package that course instructors can use to create accessible, HTML content files. The templates use cascading style sheets (CSS) to format the content in the HTML files. To the extent possible under law, D2L has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the available…
Add subtitles to video topics
You can add subtitles to uploaded videos by uploading an SRT or WebVTT file. You can also attach more than one subtitle file to a video to accommodate more than one language. This can make your video available to a broader audience. Subtitles appear to students as closed captions within the video player and they can decide…
Meeting web content accessibility standards
Most of the tips provided are web content standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium. For more information, review their Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. * When possible, use HTML topics to create your course content. D2L provides accessible HTML templates to streamline the content creation process. If you need to…
Making flexible time limits and deadlines
In some cases, course designers may put users with learning and physical disabilities at a disadvantage without intending to. Usually, disadvantages result from users not having enough time to complete tasks or not having appropriately designed resources. Consider using the following best practices to organize course…
Providing alternative learning materials
To improve student engagement, one of the most effective course design decisions you can make is to offer course materials and assignments that appeal to more than one sense. For example, the same material can have an audio, video, and text component. This type of redundancy helps engage students with different learning…
Create accessible content in Brightspace
Create and insert a Video Note in Brightspace Editor You can use Video Note in a number of places throughout Brightspace, including: Content, Discussions, Activity Feed, and even when grading and providing feedback to learners. Note: The ability to add video notes is controlled by a permission set by your administrator. If…
Setting clear course expectations
For many students, an online course marks a big change from a traditional classroom. This change can be even more challenging for students with physical or learning disabilities, as they can feel disconnected from their instructor and other support systems. The Brightspace provides course designers with flexibility in how…
Compliance to accessibility standards in HTML-authored content
An accessibility checker is available within Brightspace Editor for use within Content, Widgets, Quizzes, Assignments, Calendar, Assignments, and any other tools where you can access the Editor. The accessibility checker is available in the top bar within Brightspace Editor. After you add content in Brightspace Editor, you…
Directing learners to accessibility resources
It is a good practice to provide learners with information about how to find accessible information and additional support: * In Brightspace account settings, there are a number of settings that can be adjusted to improve accessibility. These user preferences are controlled by individual users, and can be set to the…
Scenarios for creating release conditions to increase accessibility in courses
You can use Special Access and Release Conditions to set criteria around the availability of content, which can be useful for accommodating students with other needs. The following scenarios provide examples of when release conditions or special access can improve accessibility: * Create groups for students with special…