Create and delete grade categories and items
Grade categories provide a way to sort your grade items and create restrictions and conditions for grade items. They offer a way to sort and characterize learner activities like assignments and quizzes. Create a grade category Grade categories organize and group related grade items into sections in your grade book and…
Import grade items
Navigate Grades. On the Enter Grades page, click Import. Figure: The Import option in the Enter Grades tab. Under Import File, click Choose File. Locate the file you want to import and click Open. Select Create new grade item when an unrecognized item is referenced if you want to be able to create new grade items from the…
Delete grade items or categories
Note the following: * To delete a grade item or category, you require the Manage Grades permission. Contact your administrator if this permission is not assigned to your role. * Selecting a category does not select the grade items that reside in it. If you delete a category, the grade items associated with it become…
Drop the lowest grade
You may want to drop the lowest grade for learners to increase their overall final grade for the course. To drop the lowest grade On your course homepage, navigate to Grades. Click the Actions drop-down menu beside a learner's name and click Bulk edit exemptions. Figure: The Bulk edit exemptions option in the Actions…
Set up your Grade book
If a grade book is not set up or imported for your course, the Grades Setup Wizard page is displayed when you first navigate to the Grades tool. Note: If you cannot select the Automatically release final grade option, contact your administrator and request the permission for your role. Navigate to Grades. Click Setup…
Importing grades
You can enter grades in another application and import them into Brightspace using a CSV, TSV or TXT file. You can also create new grade items through an import file by adding a column to the file. Any grades you import for discussion grade items and assignment grade items are also synchronized back to Discussions and…
Grade book Mastery View
Note: The Language Management tool supports the Mastery View tab. Administrators can update the language terms in the Grade Book Mastery View to better reflect a more appropriate feature title that can coordinate with selected terminology of their Learning Outcomes tool, such as Expectations View or Standards View. In…
About automatic transfer of overall score to a learner's grade
You can automatically transfer the overall score of a numeric rubric to a learner's grade. A score transfers automatically only when the rubric has an overall score. Numeric rubrics include the following types: * Point analytic * Custom point analytic * Percentage holistic When multiple rubrics are present in the rubric…
Setting up and configuring the Grade book Mastery view
Tool dependencies The Mastery View depends on Learning Outcomes being enabled at the main org level and within the course offering. When it is enabled, it automatically appears in the Learning Outcomes (Standards) Tool at the main org level and within the course offering. In addition, ensure that Grades is enabled at the…
Overall Achievement Calculation Settings
The Grade book Mastery View includes four calculation methods: * Most Common (default) * Most Recent * Highest * Decaying Average There is also an option for No Automatic Calculation. This option turns off the suggested level of achievement. The instructor can still manually determine the overall level of achievement for…