Turnitin is a cloud-based solution with capabilities in originality checking and online grading that saves instructors time and provides personalized feedback for learners. Turnitin consists of a Similarity Report feature integrated with Assignment submissions to identify potential cases of plagiarism by automatically comparing submissions to an online database of original content. There is also an Originality Reports feature which highlights key areas, show a breakdown of matching sources, and provide direct links to the matching content.
Turnitin also offers an add-on online grading and feedback feature integrated into your existing Brightspace assessment workflow. Instructors can add comments, inline text, and highlight sections in file submissions, directly from the Assignments tool. Then, learners can view the online feedback in User Progress under Grades or Assignments, or in the Grades, Content, or Assignments tools.
Go beyond Plagiarism checking with Feedback Studio from Turnitin, a solution that supports academic integrity, improves instructor efficiency, and ensures learner success in writing and beyond. Feedback Studio is a feedback, grading, and similarity checking solution proven to safeguard institutional reputation by ensuring student writing is authentic and deterring plagiarism. It empowers instructors with time-saving grading and feedback tools that serve as a formative learning tool for learners to cultivate writing excellence, build critical thinking skills, and drive career readiness.

Note: The use of Turnitin combined with the special access features in the Assignments tool is not supported. If you set a due date for a user with special access that is different than the due date you set in the Turnitin configuration for the assignment, the Turnitin due date does not change. |
Turnitin Availability and Enablement
Turnitin Reports and Feedback Studio are add-on purchases to the Brightspace Core package. If you have questions about this integration or are interested in accessing Turnitin at your institution, contact your Account Manager.
Additional Resources
Refer to the following resources for more information:
Release Notes
Subscribe to Brightspace Release Notes Updates to ensure you receive notifications for new updates. You can also view the Turnitin Release Notes.
Looking for Help?
Contact your Account Manager for questions about:
- Purchasing Turnitin
- Account Set Up
- Billing
Contact D2L Support if you need technical support related to the integration to Brightspace.
Contact Turnitin Support if the solution is not functioning as expected.