The ITranslateReadResultIdsForLineItemWithLineItemTypeResponse interface is used to translate IPSIS IGrade objects into ResultId strings for LIS.
The interface implementation is D2L.IM.IPSIS.LIS.OMS.ITranslateReadResultIdsForLineItemWithLineItemTypeResponse.
The IPSIS, Default configuration lists for the ITranslateReadResultIdsForLineItemWithLineItemTypeResponse interface are shipped with the product. They are listed along with the extension point they are intended for.
The following translators are the default translators for the TranslateReadResultIdsForLineItemWithLineItemTypeResponse interface. They are listed in the order configured by default.
- ReadResultIdsForLineItemWithLineItemTypeResponseRequiredTranslator (Sort Order = 10)
The ReadResultIdsForLineItemWithLineItemTypeResponseRequiredTranslator converts the input grades into a list of ResultId strings.
Expected behavior
For each returned grade, the translator creates a ResultId with the format SISOrgUnitId|IMOrgUnitMappingId|GradeType|Status|SISUserId where:
- SISOrgUnitId is the SIS Id used to refer to the OrgUnit.
- IMOrgUnitMappingId is the Id for the mapping between the SISOrgUnitId and the LMS OrgUnitId.
- GradeType is based on an enum that contains FinalCalculated, FinalAdjusted, etc.
- Status is based on an enum that contains Released or All.
- SISUserId is the SIS Id for the user receiving the Result.
Error behavior
If there is a problem during processing, an IncompleteRequestException is thrown. This results in:
- The suspension of all further processing.
- A LIS response header containing:
- CodeMajor = failure.
- Severity = status.
- CodeMinor = invaliddata.
Configuration note
This translator must be configured as the last Response translator.