IPSIS Section Association is an interface in Brightspace used to manually manipulate relationships between enrollable courses or sections in an SIS and course offerings in Brightspace.
Important: D2L is transitioning from IPSIS Section Association to the SIS Course Merge tool. For information about this transition, refer to the SIS Course Merge: Review and Transition plan for customers blog post. Refer to About SIS Course Merge for information about how to use the tool.
To access the IPSIS Section Association page
From your organization home page, click Admin Tools.
Under SIS Integration, click IPSIS Section Association.
Visual Tour: IPSIS Section Association
You can use the Search SIS Sections page of IPSIS Section Association to filter and search for existing SIS sections.

Figure: The IPSIS Section Association page has a number of sections, which are described below.
Filters: Click an arrow to expand and access more filter options.
Filters Applied: Review a list of all filters applied to your search. Click Save Preferences to save your filter configuration.
Search Area: Choose to search either SIS Sections or Course Offerings in Brightspace.
Search Fields: Search by code or name.
Status: Search among Active, Inactive, or All SIS Sections or Course Offerings.
Filter by Department, Semester, or Number of Associations.
Search: Enter a Section or Course name or code. Or leave the field blank and click Search to show results based upon your filters.
Manage Course Offering Associations: Search for existing course offerings, or create a new course offering to associate with other course offerings.
Review and select search results.