Whenever troubleshooting IPSIS, one of the first places to start is the System Log. If no useful information appears, it may be necessary to configure Debug logging. Do not forget to turn off debugging when you are finished.
Invalid Configuration: Missing Role Mapping for Role {Role Name}.
This response typically indicates that there is not a role mapping for {Role Name}. Create a mapping in the IPSIS Administration Console for the source system in question.
Error in LIS PMS.replacePerson: Unable to create user.
This error indicates that the user already exists in Brightspace and has been deleted by ReplaceDelete. The person(s) are default handlers with ReplaceUserValidateBaseHandler and the expected record does not exist. As a workaround, use a handler that does expect the user instead, for example, ReplaceUserLastNameNoUpdateHandler.
Unhandled Exception in LIS PMS.replacePerson: password is not valid Parameter name: password.
This message is logged in the logging split as an error when the message provided in a PMS replacePerson message does not contain a password that meets the requirements of the config variable d2l.Auth.Password.ValidationRegex.
Error with update of user with code {User Code}. Account mapped to invalid LMS UserId {User Id}. The account may have been deleted.
This response typically indicates that the user associated with {User Id} has been deleted through Brightspace. Addressing this requires updating the IM_USER_MAPPINGS.UserId value to a new UserId (or restoring the deleted user through Brightspace).
Invalid Configuration: Role Mapping for Role {Role Name}. Desire2Learn RoleId {Role Id} does not exist.
This response typically indicates that the role associated with {Role Id} has been deleted through Brightspace. Addressing this requires updating the IM_ROLE_MAPPINGS.RoleId value to a new RoleId (or restoring the deleted role through Brightspace).
Error with update of org unit with code {Org Unit Code}. Org unit mapped to invalid LMS OrgUnitId {Org Unit Id}. This org unit may have been deleted.
This response typically indicates that the org unit associated with {Org Unit Id} has been deleted through Brightspace. Addressing this requires restoring the deleted org unit through Brightspace.
Invalid Configuration: OrgUnitTypeMapping for OrgUnitType {Org Unit Type}. D2L OrgUnitTypeId {Org Unit Type Id} does not exist.
This response typically indicates that the org unit type associated with {Org Unit Type Id} has been deleted through Brightspace. Addressing this requires restoring the deleted org unit type through Brightspace.
Create D2L.IM.Platform.OrgUnits.Default.CourseOffering object failed: Org Structure constraint preventing create of course offering. Please check Form Elements > CourseOfferingInfo.
This message is logged in the logging split and is viewable through the IPSIS Admin Log Viewer. Check the Form Element CourseOfferingInfo > Semester to see if it is marked as Required. If it is, then you can either provide a valid semester with your request or change the form element to not be Required (and then your current request will work).
Create D2L.IM.Platform.OrgUnits.Default.CourseOffering object failed.
This message is related to known issue PM#89855. If the Form Element CreateCourse > Semester is set to Required, and you provide a valid semester in your request, then you will encounter this error. Since a valid semester was provided, the request should go through successfully, but the validation logic isn't correct at this point. The current work around is to set the element to not be Required, and then resend the request. The validation functionality will be fixed in an upcoming service pack. Also of note, if the Form Element CreateCourse > Semester is Displayed is set to false, this error is also encountered.
Create D2L.IM.Platform.OrgUnits.Default.CourseTemplate object failed.
This message is logged in at least one scenario where the Form Element CreateCourse > Department is set as Required and a Department is not provided.
Unable to change the parent offering of course section with id {id}. This behavior is not supported.
This message is logged when trying to update an existing course section to have a different parent course offering. This behavior is not supported in the default implementation.
IMExternalOrgUnitInfo is null for LIS_Membership_{ListingCode}
This error occurs when an enrollment is attempted for an org unit that is not present in the IM tables in the database. The cause is typically because an enrollment was attempted into an org unit that was created manually in Brightspace. Enrollments using IPSIS must only be processed for org units that were also created using IPSIS.
Logger Type
soapUI is an excellent tool for troubleshooting the LIS Adapter and other web service based interfaces. The tool can be used to send LIS requests to the LIS Services and operations supported by the LIS Adapter, and can also be used to setup mock services that can be used to troubleshoot our outgoing calls to LIS Services and operations implemented by a Student Information System.