Using LIS v2.0 Services
The IPSIS LIS v2.0 Adapter implements the necessary LIS Services and operations to support the following IMS LIS Profiles: * IMS Global LIS v2.0 Core Profile * IMS Global LIS v2.0 Full Course Hierarchy Profile * IMS Global LIS v2.0 Combined Sections Profile Each service implemented by D2L as part of the LIS v2.0 Adapter…
About the LIS v2.0 Adapter
LIS refers to the IMS Global Learning Consortium's Learning Information Services specification. This specification, finalized in Q2 of 2012, has been a joint operation between numerous educational institutions, LMS, and SIS vendors (D2L included), and has been in the making since the original IMS Enterprise specification…
Using LIS translators
LIS translators are a way to translate LIS requests into generic IPSIS requests. This allows IPSIS to always use a common language to communicate with Brightspace instead of having LIS (and other standards and proprietary solutions) directly interact Brightspace. This also allows a single set of handlers that can be used…
LIS configuration checklist
Configuration checklist Step Role Action 1 D2L consultant Organization system administrator Configure IPSIS Platform 2 D2L consultant Enable the IPSIS LIS v2.0 Adapter Tool 3 Organization system administrator D2L consultant Configure LIS endpoints 4 Organization system administrator D2L consultant Configure org unit type…
About the ITranslateAnnounceBulkDataExchange translator
The ITranslateAnnounceBulkDataExchange interface is used to translate an announce request for bulk into a result object containing a single BulkJobParams object, a list of BulkFileUrlParams objects, and a list of BulkEntityTypeFilterParams objects. The interface implementation is…
The Bulk Data Exchange Management Service (BDES)
This service is used to initiate and report on Bulk SIS Integration processing. Implemented operations * announceBulkDataExchangeasynchronously. * announceFailureBulkDataExchange Called operations * ignoreBulkDataExchange * cancelBulkDataExchange * reportBulkDataExchange * requestBulkDataExchange About the…
Configure LIS endpoints
A LIS endpoint describes how IPSIS obtains services and data from a SIS supporting the IMS Global LIS v2.0 messaging standard. For most LIS operations and LIS-supported SIS vendors, endpoint information is not part of its communication with IPSIS, and the endpoint must be configured manually. Add an endpoint On the…
Configure LIS translators, handlers, and bulk integration
Configure LIS translators The extension points for each of the LIS translators should be reviewed to determine if the available configuration is appropriate, or if modifications are required. Modifications can and should be made to ensure your organization can have the configuration most appropriate for it. Note: Care…
About the ITranslateSupportedServices translator
The ITranslateSupportedServices translator builds a SupportedServicesType object that documents all services that are supported by our implementation of bulk. This object is then added to the result object. The passed in request object is not used in this process. The interface implementation is…
The Course Offering Management Service (COMS)
This service is used to affect D2L Course Offerings. Implemented operations * deleteCourseOffering * replaceCourseOffering * readCourseOffering About the deleteCourseOffering operation deleteCourseOffering is the operation used to delete D2L Org Units associated with LIS Course Offerings. Process flow: deleteCourseOffering…