ShuffleLabs is a custom software development company that provides the ShuffleExchange integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS). D2L uses this iPaaS to provide the Brightspace Course Connector for Microsoft Teams to combine the power of Brightspace as the central learning hub with the collaboration and connectedness available with Microsoft Teams.
Users with Microsoft accounts can create, schedule, and share Microsoft® Teams Meetings from within Brightspace. You can stay connected and collaborate virtually in Brightspace using either the Teams Meetings remote plugin integration or the custom widget integration.
In the Brightspace Core package, Microsoft Teams Meetings is a free integration that covers scheduling a live Teams meeting from within Brightspace, and sharing the link so that students can join the meeting. Brightspace Course Connector for Microsoft Teams is an add-on product that provides a deeper integration designed to facilitate additionally collaboration workflows and group work that may be done synchronously via MS Teams chat.
ShuffleExchange acts as the bridge between Brightspace and Microsoft Teams. Brightspace provides the course and enrollment information to the ShuffleExchange platform which then maps and connects this information to an institution’s Microsoft tenant providing a seamless integration between both systems. Once this process is complete, the widget displays a link to the course Team allowing instructors and students to launch into their course Team from their course.
Enabling Brightspace Course Connector for Microsoft Teams
As a prerequisite to either the remote plugin or custom widget, you must first install the Microsoft Teams Meetings Azure application. As a global administrator, grant tenant-wide consent for this application by visiting the following URL, and substituting the {YOUR-TENANT-ID} placeholder with your AzureAD tenant id:
Review the permissions this application requires prior to granting consent.

Figure: Microsoft Teams Meetings consent form
Refer to the Configure how end-users consent to applications article for more information.
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