Overview of Grades and IPSIS
Integration Pack for Student Information Systems (IPSIS) Grades Export is an add-on to Grades tool. It enables users to export final grades from Brightspace to a SIS that supports the IMS LIS v2.0 standard. The export may be initiated from an export page in Brightspace or grades may be pulled from Brightspace by a process…
Ways to initiate Grades Export
Exports may be initiated by a user from Brightspace (push to SIS) or by a process from the SIS (pull from Brightspace). The process you choose depends on your institution’s preferred approach and the capabilities of your SIS. Enable the Grades Export tool The Grades Export tool must be enabled in order for users to have…
Grades Export permissions and configurations
Grant Grades Export permissions You can only grant permission at the organization level. From the Admin Tools menu on the minibar, select Roles and Permissions. Click the role that you want to access the Course Mappings Interface tool. Under Filter by Tool, select Grades and then click Apply Filter. Select any of the…
Push to the SIS
Viewing users and grades in the export grades page relies on the following handler extension points: * IReadGradesHandler At present, IPSIS Grades Export supports data exchange with SISs supporting the LIS v2.0 IMS standard. Pushing grades relies on LIS translators in addition to IPSIS handlers: * IReadGradesHandler *…
Ref # Plug-in Name Required for Push Note 1 ReadGrades GradableMappingGetFirstMappingWithGradesHandler No 2 ReadGrades GradableMappingDefaultToFirstMappingHandler No 3 ReadGrades GradableMappingGetIsGradableMappingHandler No 4 ReadGrades ResolveGradeTypeFromCourseSettingHandler Yes This handler determines whether to…
Ref # Plug-in Name Required for Push Note 12 ReplaceLineItemHandler Yes Used for formatting and then communicating grade information with the SIS.
Ref # Plug-in Name Required for Push Note 13 LISResultsRequiredTranslator Yes Provides conversion of the internal D2L grade object to a LIS compatible format. 14 LISResultsGradePointsRequiredTranslator No See Note Determines the format of grades to send – either points or symbols. Configuring either isn’t required as the…
Ref# Plug-in Name Required for Push Note 16 ReplaceLineItemRequestGradeTypeTranslator Yes Sets the grade type (to ‘Final’) on the LIS request.
Pull by the SIS
Grades are extracted from Brightspace by the SIS. There is no direct user intervention within Brightspace. IPSIS Grades Export for pulling grades supports data exchange with SISs supporting the LIS v2.0 IMS standard. Pulling grades relies on these LIS translators in addition to IPSIS handlers: * IReadGradesHandler *…
Ref # Plug-in Name Required for Pull Note 1 ReadResultIdsForLineItemWithLineItemTypeRequest GetSectionRequiredTranslator Yes Extracts the section identifier from the request. 2 ReadResultIdsForLineItemWithLineItemTypeRequest ValidateOrgUnitIsSectionTranslator Yes See Note Validates that the SIS is sending a request for…