About ReadSpeaker
ReadSpeaker is partnered with D2L to provide lifelike online and offline text-to-speech solutions embedded within Brightspace. ReadSpeaker gives a voice to education. Audio-enhanced learning tools assist institutions in supporting students, campus-wide and on an individual level, for all types of coursework, helping to: *…
ReadSpeaker docReader
ReadSpeaker is a company that provides text-to-speech solutions on the web. Their solutions provide users with alternative methods of consuming text-based content, such as through listening to it directly or downloading it as sound files without the need to download and install additional software. The ReadSpeaker…
ReadSpeaker for HTML content
The ReadSpeaker HTML content integration solution automatically enables ReadSpeaker online text-to-speech technology for HTML content in Brightspace. Any learner can hear their HTML course content spoken aloud or download it as an MP3 using only their internet browser. Learners can also highlight and play back a subset of…