The Crosslisting Management Interface (CLMI) allows administrators to create and remove special relationships between course sections and course offerings. In particular, CLMI allows the creation of many-to-one relationships between existing sections and offerings.
Use CLMI to:
Assign new relationships, additional to the ones currently in place, between existing course sections and an existing course offering.
Assign new relationships, additional to the ones currently in place, between existing course sections and new course offerings.
Remove relationships between course sections and course offerings if a section has more than one parental relationship.
Note: The CLMI cannot be used on implementations that have the SIS Holding Tank in active use.
Example scenarios
Two sections of Mechanical Engineering 101 are created with independent course offerings under the same department and college. Using CLMI, the two sections are combined under a single course offering, and then the originals removed.
The following occurs when courses are cross-listed:
- The relationship between the original course sections and their respective course offerings are severed, and new relationships are created between those course sections and an assigned course offering. An assigned course offering can be either an existing offering or a new offering created by this tool.
An additional relationship is created between the sections and the departments and semesters from which the sections originated. This is called a trail of breadcrumbs, and its purpose is to allow the course offerings to revert back to their original departments should the administrator decide to remove the crosslisted course listings.
Course sections are created with a one-to-one relationship with course offerings. The following is a graphical depiction of the organization structure with independent sections:

Course sections are combined under a single course offering newly created by the crosslisting process. The following is a graphical depiction of the organizational structure post-crosslisting:

Crosslisting removal
When a crosslisting is removed, the courses and associated sections are completely deleted and recreated as a new offering. Memberships are transferred from the deleted crosslisted course to the newly created course offerings. However, user progress and course information are not transferred as the newly created courses do not inherit those properties. The following is a graphical depiction of a typical crosslisting removal scenario:

Interface limitations and additional notes
Course content and user progress for crosslisted courses
Course content and user progress may be affected by crosslisting.
There are two course creation options for crosslisted courses:
- A new course offering can be created for the crosslisting. The new course offering does not retain any of the course content or user progress from the courses being crosslisted.
- An existing course offering can be designated for crosslisting. The existing course offering only retains course content and user progress already existing in that course offering, and does not include any data from additional crosslisted courses. It is recommended that the crosslisting function be used only at the beginning of an academic term for courses without course content or user progress to reduce the possibility of data loss.
Course content and user progress for uncrosslisted courses
When course offerings are uncrosslisted, a new course offering is created in its place and its enrollments are transferred to the new course offering. As a consequence, all user progress originating from the uncrosslisted course is not retained.
This function should only be used in exceptional circumstances where the loss of user progress is considered acceptable.