Integrate Google Workspace with Brightspace without a service account
Administrators can integrate Google Workspace with Brightspace without a service account. As a result, administrators can integrate multiple Google Workspaces with Brightspace.
Note: If you integrate Google Workspace with Brightspace without a service account, users will not be able to create their own Google Workspace accounts.
- From the Admin Tools menu, under Organization Related, click Google Workspace Administration > Settings.
- In the Workspace Access area, select the No service account radio button.
- Click Save.
Users create their own Google Workspace accounts
Administrators can enable users to self-create their Google Workspace accounts. The user's default Google Workspace account name is the same as their Brightspace username.
- From the Google Workspace Administration page, click Settings, and under Provisioning User Settings, select Create Account.
Note: If you integrated Google Workspace with Brightspace without a service account, this user provisioning functionality is not supported.
- Set a password policy for user passwords in the d2l.3rdParty.GoogleApps.PasswordRegex (e.g.: "^.{8,30}$") configuration variable.
- Ensure that users have the View Google Workspace widget and View Access Google Workspace widget permissions so they can see the widgets. You must have one of the widgets enabled, depending on the needs of your organization.
- Ensure that your Google Workspace widgets are enabled.
Users link their Google and Brightspace accounts
If you create accounts outside of Brightspace and users know their Google username and password, they can link their Brightspace and Google accounts themselves. Users can link their accounts by entering their user name and password once in one of the Google Workspace widgets.
- From the Google Workspace Administration page, click Settings. Under Provisioning User Settings, select Create Link.
- Ensure the users have the View Google Workspace Widget and View Access Google Workspace Widget permissions so they can see the widgets. You must have one of the widgets enabled, depending on the needs of your organization.
- Ensure that your Google Workspace widgets are enabled.
Administrators create user Google Workspace accounts
A Google Workspace administrator can create Google Workspace accounts and associate them with Brightspace users from within Brightspace. An administrator can create many Google Workspace accounts by performing a bulk creation operation from within Brightspace using the Google Workspace administration interface.
- Set a user password policy in the d2l.3rdParty.GoogleApps.PasswordRegex (e.g.: "^.{8,30}$") configuration variable.
- Ensure the administrator has the Manage and Administer Google Users permission that allows managing and administering Google Workspace users.
- Optionally, go to the Google Workspace Administration page, click Settings, and select No Access under Provisioning User Settings if you don't want learners to have the ability to create a Google account.
Administrators link user accounts
A Google Workspace administrator can reset account links and assign new account links within Brightspace. If an administrator must link many Google Workspace accounts, D2L recommends performing a bulk link operation from within Brightspace using the Google Workspace administration interface.
- From the Google Workspace Administration page, click Settings. Under Provisioning User Settings, select No Access.
- Ensure that the administrator has the Manage and Administer Google Users permission within Brightspace that allows managing and administering Google users.
Administrators have read-only access to Google Directory API
A Google Workspace administrator cannot create new users, suspend accounts, or restore accounts.
- Administrators can give their service account the ReadOnly API route via the Google Domain Admin Console by entering the following API route: along with any other routes you want to use into Scopes.
- After the ReadOnly API route is set up in the Google Domain Admin Console, you must enable the Read-only access to Google Directory API radio button on the Google Workspace Administration > Settings page. This limits the options on the Manage Users page in Brightspace:
- From the Admin Tools menu, under Organization Related, click Google Workspace Administration > Settings.
- In the Workspace Access area, select the Read-only access to Google Directory API radio button.
- Click Save.