Configure LIS translators
The extension points for each of the LIS translators should be reviewed to determine if the available configuration is appropriate, or if modifications are required. Modifications can and should be made to ensure your organization can have the configuration most appropriate for it.
Note: Care should be taken when configuring translators (plug-ins). When configured incorrectly, data loss might occur. Always consult your D2L Integration Consultant before making changes.
Configure LIS handlers
The extension point for each LIS handler should be reviewed to determine if the configuration is appropriate, or if modifications are required. Modifications can and should be made to ensure the organization has the configuration most appropriate for it.
Refer to LIS configuration checklist for a complete list of the handler interfaces that should be configured.
Note: Care should be taken when configuring translators (plug-ins). When configured incorrectly, data loss may occur. Always consult your D2L Integration Consultant before making changes.
Configure LIS bulk integration
Bulk integration requires the configuration of endpoints for communicating messages, and, optionally, for downloading bulk files.
Instructions on how to configure endpoints, including for downloading bulk files, specific to LIS, are found under Configure LIS endpoints.