The ITranslateGradesToLISResults interface is used to translate IPSIS IGrade objects into ResultRecord objects to send to LIS.
The interface implementation is D2L.IM.IPSIS.LIS.OMS.ITranslateGradesToLISResults.
The IPSIS, Default configuration lists for the ITranslateGradesToLISResults interface are shipped with the product. They are listed along with the extension point they are intended for.
The LISResultsRequiredTranslator (Sort Order = 20) translator is the default translator for the ITranslateGradesToLISResults interface.
The LISResultsGradePointsRequiredTranslator indicates that the final results returned to the SIS should use the Points representation of Brightspace Grades.
Expected behavior
This translator sets a flag on the request indicating that the final results returned to the SIS should use the Points representation of Brightspace Grades. This overrides the Points versus Symbol decision made in the ReadGradesHandlers, if any.
Error behavior
If there is a problem during processing, an exception is thrown, along with as much detailed information as possible.
Configuration note
This translator must be configured before the LISResultsRequiredTranslator.
The LISResultsRequiredTranslator builds the ResultRecord objects.
Expected behavior
The translator performs the following tasks:
- Maps the fields from input IGrades and IMUsers to output ResultRecords
- The following fields are mapped:
(static value) Complete
IGrade Numerator and Denominator (if Points)
IGrade Scheme (if Symbols)
Error behavior
If there is a problem during processing, an exception is thrown, along with as much detailed information as possible.
Configuration notes
This translator must be configured after those that select Grade Points versus Symbols.
The LISGradeSymbolsRequiredTranslator indicates that the final results returned to the SIS should use the Symbols representation of Brightspace Grades. This overrides the Points versus Symbol decision made in the ReadGradesHandlers, if any.
Expected behavior
This translator sets a flag on the request indicating that the final results returned to the SIS should use the Symbols representation of Brightspace Grades.
Error behavior
If there is a problem during processing, an exception is thrown, along with as much detailed information as possible.
Configuration note
This translator must be configured before the LISResultsRequiredTranslator.
The LISResultsStripPercentSignTranslator removes any trailing whitespace and % symbols from the end of each grade score. This has no effect on points, nor on symbols with any other endings. This handler should only be used if the SIS is incapable of processing % symbols in the grade scores.
Expected behavior
This translator removes trailing whitespace and % symbols from the grade scores, if present.
Error behavior
If an input grade is null or missing its grade score, no exception is thrown. Processing simply moves on to the next grade record.
Configuration note
This translator must be configured after the LISResultsRequiredTranslator, preferably last in the list. This allows all other handlers to work normally, but prevents % symbols from being sent to the SIS.