Collaborate and create with the Google Workspace integration for Brightspace. By syncing your Google account to Brightspace, you can access Google software and products like Google Drive and Google Docs, which allows you to use Google Workspace to complete and submit course assignments and organize your work.
Access and add a file submission for an assignment
On your course homepage, navigate to Content.
Click on the assignment where you want to add a file.
Click Choose Existing. You may have to expand the Add Attachments drop-down to view this option.
Figure: Click Choose Existing to select an existing assignment.
In the Add a File dialog, click Google Drive.

Figure: Click Google Drive to select an assignment from your Google Drive.
Click Sign in to Google Workspace or click Sign in to a Personal Account.
Note: You only have to sign in to your account the first time you access Google Workspace or your personal Google account in Brightspace.

Figure: Click the desired sign-in option.
In your Google Drive, select the file you want to upload and click Upload.
Click Submit.