Logging in
Why can't I log in?
If you cannot connect to your school or organization, the problem could be:
- Your school or organization turned off access to Brightspace Pulse.
- You entered your ID or password incorrectly or all caps are on (login credentials are case-sensitive). Use the same credentials you use to log in to your school or organization’s Brightspace.
If you are still unable to log in, contact your school or organization’s help desk. They can troubleshoot specific issues you may experience with logging in to Brightspace Pulse.
Why can't I find my school or organization when I search?
If your organization or school does not display in the list when you search, you can add it manually by typing the URL for your school or organization's Brightspace. This field is available when there are zero search results or if you choose to disable your mobile device's geolocation service.
Where are my dates?
Brightspace Pulse displays dates added to a course by your instructor. If your instructor has not added dates, they do not appear in the app. Check your course syllabus for due dates that might not appear in the app.
Where did my dates go?
If your dates disappeared or aren’t displaying, check your internet connection and refresh the page.
What does the graph indicate?
How can I turn the graph on or off?
You can toggle where the graph appears by tapping the
Menu icon and then Graph Settings. From there, you can choose which tabs you want the graph to appear on. When the graph is turned off, your date items appear in a list.
I don't have any notifications.
If you are receiving notifications in Brightspace (from a browser), but not in the Notifications tab in Brightspace Pulse, there could be an issue with how your school configured the app.
Can I delete old notifications?
Currently, you cannot delete old notifications in the Notifications tab.
Why can't I see the courses that I am enrolled in?
It's possible that the courses you're enrolled in haven't started yet or they don't have any dates associated with them.
Where are my grades?
In Brightspace Pulse, you receive notifications for grades in the Notifications tab, which you can open and review at your leisure. To see a centralized view of your grades, tap the Courses tab, open the course homepage, and navigate to the grades section of your course.
How do I submit an assignment or take a quiz?
You can submit an assignment or take a quiz from the Upcoming tab or Courses tab. From the Upcoming tab, if the assignment or quiz has a due date associated with it, open the details of that activity, and then tap the button at the bottom of the page to launch that activity in your mobile browser. From the Courses tab, you can open the course homepage by selecting a course and completing the associated activity in the browser.
Why can't I see my course content?
If you can’t see your course content, it is likely due to how your school or organization configured the content, making it inaccessible to Brightspace Pulse. Contact your school or organization's help desk.
I open a file but it's blank.
It is possible that the content you are trying to access is in a file type that is incompatible with your device.
I don't see updated course content in the Notifications tab
Course content updates only appear in the Notifications tab if the instructor checks the Notify students that the content has changed option for the updated content in Brightspace. This applies to the classic Content experience only; updates do not appear for new Content experience (Lessons). Contact your instructor for more information.
I don't see any updates in the Notifications tab or I cannot access my course documents, announcements, grades, etc.
When you initially log in to Brightspace Pulse, no course content updates appear until new updates come from Brightspace; however, introductory updates appear. The Brightspace Pulse app provides you with updates when announcements are created in your courses and when you receive new grades from your instructors.
Offline Content
What files can I view offline in Brightspace Pulse for iOS?
Brightspace Pulse allows you to save files for offline viewing; however, you must first open the file in Brightspace Pulse while connected to the internet and mark it as Make available offline. On iOS devices, you can view the following files offline:
- Images (bmp, gif, png, jpeg, jpg, svg)
Office Documents (doc, docx, ppt, pptx, rtf, xls, xlsx, txt)
Mac Office Documents (key, numbers, pages)
Select Media Files (mp3, mp4, m4a, mav, mov)
What files can I view offline in Brightspace Pulse for Android?
Brightspace Pulse allows you to save files for offline viewing; however, you must first open the file in Brightspace Pulse while connected to the internet and mark it as Make available offline. On Android devices, you can view the following files offline:
Office Documents (doc, docx, ppt, pptx, rtf, xls, xlsx, txt)
Mac Office Documents (key, numbers, pages)
Select Media Files (mp3, mp4)