Learning Paths is a tool that groups multiple courses into a sequential, easy-to-follow program that allows you to achieve specific learning goals for training, professional development, and continuing education. When you are assigned to a learning path by your organization, you are enrolled in every course within the learning path, and you gain access to Learning Paths and the My Learning widget.
The My Learning widget appears on your My Home page. It displays your assigned learning paths on a tile with an image, the learning path and/or course name, and a progress bar. Up to four learning path tiles display within the widget. The top image that appears represents your most recently accessed learning path or course. It also displays your active courses that are not part of a defined learning path. The completion status of the courses appears on the course tile.
Click directly on the course or learning path tile in the My Learning widget to directly access the Learning Paths page, or the course homepage.

Figure: The My Learning widget displays both learning paths and courses assigned to you