View your grades
Use the Grades tool on the navbar to check your grades on assignments and quizzes. You can see your individual grades and the grade formula used to evaluate you. Depending on how your grades are set up, you might be able to view comments and overall class performance statistics as well. Note: Bonus grade items are…
View course progress with the Class Progress tool
The Class Progress tool helps track your progress in a course by measuring the completion of different progress indicators. You can also use the Class Progress tool to keep track of your course-specific assignments and feedback. Instructors can use the Class Progress tool to track your overall progress in the course and…
View and share earned awards
You can check and share awards granted by instructors of a course. View awards To view earned awards Navigate to Awards. To see the awards you've already earned, click My Awards. To filter the awards that appear, click All, Badges, or Certificates. To view all the awards you've earned in the courses you have participated…
Learning Paths and the My Learning widget
Learning Paths is a tool that groups multiple courses into a sequential, easy-to-follow program that allows you to achieve specific learning goals for training, professional development, and continuing education. When you are assigned to a learning path by your organization, you are enrolled in every course within the…
Review feedback and rubrics
Verify with your instructor that feedback is available for viewing. If your instructor informs you that feedback is available for the activity, you can view the feedback from the respective tool. Depending on how Brightspace is configured for your institution, there are several ways you can view feedback: Discussions,…
Access Learning Paths from the My Learning widget
Use the My Learning widget on your My Home page to view and access your assigned learning paths. Click on a learning path tile in the widget to access a specific learning path, or click View All Learning to view all your assigned courses and/or learning paths. The Learning Paths page displays the following information: *…
Reflect on your learning with the Self Assessments tool
Self assessments are a series of questions, similar to quizzes, that provide the opportunity to reflect on your learning and course material comprehension. Responses to self assessments are not graded. Note: If you need to make a change to your self assessment response or delete a self assessment, contact your course…