Click Quizzes to review all your future, current, and past quizzes using the Quiz List.
Visual Tour: Quiz List
Your Quiz List page may be organized differently by your instructor to avoid confusion on which quiz needs to be taken.

Figure: The Quiz List page shows details like Future Quiz, Current Quiz, and Past Quiz. Click any one of these to see the associated quizzes.
- Click Quizzes to access the Quiz List.
- Current Quizzes: Active quizzes that are accessible to you and can currently be written.
- Future Quizzes: Quizzes that haven’t started yet. Even though they are visible to you, they cannot be accessed since the start date hasn’t been reached yet.
- Past Quizzes: Quizzes that are no longer available to you because they are passedt their end dates. Depending on how Brightspace is configured for your school, these quizzes may or may not be visible to you. If past quizzes are available for you to view, you may access them to view feedback or to review your quiz attempt, but you won’t be able to start them or retake them.
- Click the arrow icon to access more actions related to a quiz.
- Review the Evaluation Status and number of allowable Attempts for a quiz.
Note: Once a quiz has passed the due date, you can still access the quiz. However, your submission will be tagged as a late submission.