The Assignments tool enables you to upload and submit assignments directly into Brightspace. Simply upload your submission to the appropriate assignment and submit.
Note: If you cannot locate or access the Assignments tool, it may have another name. Contact your instructor for more information.
Visual tour of the Assignments tool

Figure: The Assignments tool is organized into various sections, which are described below.
- Click Assignments to access the Assignments tool.
- Click View Historyto review your submission history. You can also sort results by assignment and assignment type.
- Click an assignment in the list to add files, record audio, record video, add comments, and submit your assignment.
- Review:
- Completion Status: Lists a count of any submissions or files submitted for the assignment.
- Score: Displays a grade or score if the submission was graded.
- Evaluation Status: Displays feedback from your instructor.
- Due Date: Displays when your instructor has requested that you complete the assignment.