New to Brightspace as a Corporate User
I've spent 21 years in education having used D2L-Brightspace to deliver online learning. I have now transitioned into a business context and have signed on with D2L-Brightspace to deliver professional development to our membership. Excited to be here. Looking to hear from those of you who have used Brightspace for…
Fetching grades for withdrawn students
We have an instructor who is auditing the grades for an exam that students take to see if the score is a predictor of persistence. He'd also like to know what (if any) grade students who have withdrawn from the course received. I know it can be done one at a time via Classlist > Enrollment statistics, but this is somewhat…
Fusion Workshop: Unpanelling Leadership- Women, Identity and Building Strong Networks
This is more than a workshop; it's a transformative experience. Don't miss out! Join us for an interactive workshop designed to empower female-identifying people in leadership. We'll ditch the one-way talks and embrace an "unpanell" approach, where our facilitators (formerly panelists) actively guide the conversation…
Do quiz statistics carry across sections
Hello, I have several continuous courses that has ongoing enrollment. Some are on-demand while others have cohorts. I want to be able to keep a single version of the course so that I can monitor exam question statistics over time. If I organize cohorts into sections, will the exam statistics combine data from all sections?…
Merging multiple course offerings in SIS Course Merge
How many course offerings can one merge using SIS Course Merge? Could a merged course offering be merged again with another? We may need to merge up to three course offerings.
Are there any more in-person webinars planned?
I'm lost.
Acknowledgement Quizzes
Hello Community! Our Learning & Development Specialists would like to add an acknowledgement question to each unit in a newly developed course, something along the lines of "I acknowledge I have completed the content in this unit and understand how it applies to my role as a team member". I have created a quiz for this…
removing multiple tests from gradebook
removing multiple tests from gradebook
Course Progress Tool
Hello Wonderful Community! Does anyone know if there is a way to add Course Progress for participants to view as they progress through a course? I know that us as administrators can view Course Progress for the Classlist, but wondering if there is a homepage widget or anything that can be added for participants to view…
How do you create a Social Wall?
I participated in the Virtual Fusion Conference and am wondering about the "Social Wall" that was on their homepage. Is that something we can create?
Quiz: extra attempts added but not visible/available to users when they try to retake quiz?
We've got a quiz running, where all users have 5 attempts to pass. If they don't pass in 5 attempts they can request extra attempts. We add these using Special Access in the Availability Dates & Conditions menu. It's been working fine since January, but this week although the extra attempts are showing in the Special…
What is RPaaS tool ?
Hi All, Could you pls explain what is RPaaS tool ? Thanks Loshani
acct 621 ogl
where is the acct 621 ogl class link
0 grade mail from brightspace
hii I got an email from Brightspace that I got 0% final grades from an individual assignment of busi 601. I don't know what is this assignment was and who gave it and where. how i got these marks. please tell me. it is so stressful.
Testbank Question Pool - Bulk Name Change
Hi, I have uploaded a test bank to the Quizzes tool question pool, and for some reason it has named all the questions with numbers rather than with a name. Is there a way to re-name the questions in bulk so that I have the question title there instead? So that if there is a mistake, I can view the question easily and not…
Custom Colors in New Content Experience Requirements
The July 2024 release notes specify three criteria for the new custom colors to be available: With this update, the Display accordion appears on the Edit Content page if the module meets the following criteria: There is no parent above the module in the content navigation hierarchy The course uses a theme to set a navbar…
What's the difference between Lumi for Creator+ and Lumi Pro?
I keep seeing D2L Lumi announcements - it looks great! But what's the difference between D2L Lumi for Creator+ and Lumi Pro? I've searched through D2L and can't find the distinction.
Course Offering Unenroll and Sections
Hello, We are faced with a weird situation: We have users that are enrolled into a course offering and a section within that course. We had to unenroll all users from the course offering and we create a new section. When asked to re-enroll into the course again (and in the new section) those who were unenroll from the…
Progress bar in NCE?
Hello, While the NCE is easier to navigate and more visually appealing, some of my faculty miss the progress bar and updates that showed students how much content of each unit they completed. Are there any plans to add that functionality into NCE? Thanks, Yildiz
upload high school diploma
how to upload my high school diploma