Matching-question bug
When adding a matching-question option while creating a test, Brightspace will sometimes repeat the last answer value, rather than matching the default to the newly-created question. Example:
Question 1 -> Answer 1
Question 2 -> Answer 2
Question 3 -> Answer 3
Question 4 -> Answer 3
This is very easy to miss and is quite frustrating when this gets rolled out to students.
Is there a workaround for this, or better yet, can this bug be fixed?
Thanks, crew.
Hi @Stephen.P.9360, thank you for reaching out to Brightspace Community! To resolve the quiz issue, I recommend reaching out to your school's helpdesk. They'll be able to assist you further.
You can connect with them here:
Why would I reach out to my school's help desk for a Brightspace bug? It's very simple to resolve… but the bug is in the creation of the quiz item. My help desk cannot help with that. Only D2L can.