D2L Product Roadmap

You’ve helped shape the roadmap for 2023 and 2024 through the Product Idea Exchange (PIE), feedback sessions, collaboration and user research, so thanks for being part of our journey!

This roadmap follows our fiscal year that begins in February and will be updated approximately every six months. The six-month view aims to assist your longer-range planning, and you can use it together with the 90-day product and service preview (with more detail on roles and settings) and each month’s current release notes (with the most detail of all). Bookmark the D2L Product Roadmap Discussion at the bottom of this page to be notified of changes and updates.

In the roadmap, you may see some functionality first releasing as Beta. Learn more about D2L's New Beta Program. .

🔎 For more on our roadmap process and our strategic themes for this year, see the Product Focus page on our main website D2L.com.
Please Note: Additions will be made to this Roadmap in the near future. Stay tuned!

💡 Have a new idea or suggestion for enhancement? We want to hear from you! Visit the Product Idea Exchange

Product Roadmap

Discussion List