Consolidating Partner and Integration topics
To provide an improved experience for our clients, over the next few months (August-October 2024) we are consolidating duplicate partner information into one location. The topics in the Resources > Partners > Partner Profile area are no longer being updated; however, the content is relocated to the Documentation >…
VitalSource in the NavBar?
We are switching ebook vendors to VitalSource and right now the only way for students to access is if the instructor puts an LTI link in Content. Does anyone have VitalSource linked in their NavBar?
How can we manage SIS data for Course Offerings?
We need to integrate our application with D2L and need to pull assessment data for clients with for there course offerings. I found an article to manage SIS with IPSIS administration tool, but I can not see this option under Admin tools → Organization Tools → Tools available What needs to be done in order to have the IPSIS…
How to integrate Integrity Advocate proctoring with a quiz in a course.
I am setting up a new course and need to integrate proctoring with the final quiz. I am trying to add a widget to the homepage to link the quiz to the proctoring system, but my IA widget isn't showing up on the homepage.
Automatically Enable TurnItIn Inside Assignments
After copying over content to a new course, the TurnItIn settings need to be re-enabled. Can this be configured to be enabled by default as soon as assignments are copied over to a course?
Is there any user analytics tool that can be installed on brightspace?
We are looking to see if there is some form of user analytics tool; so that we can see where people are clicking (rage clicks, drop off clicks), heat map on our pages etc. To understand how Brightspace is being used by end users, where they are clicking, where they are spending the most time etc. Does anyone know if there…
Opening the D2L ZIP Archive File on a Local PC
I've been using D2L over the past 8 years at two universities where I taught and I'm now entering retirement. My former students regularly ask me for content from my classes, but I cannot launch my Brightspace ZIP archive of the course on my PC. Does D2L or any of its partners offer a place where I can open the file and…
Best SLICE image bank
Hi all, we have an integration with Best SLICE image bank and I can't get it to work and was hoping someone might have some information on how it should behave in the system. I have searched within the community and can't find anything. Just wondering if anyone has information about this LTI. Thanks
Access to school resources
Hello, I am curious how I can access my school BrightSpace resources. There were articles and PowerPoints that I wanted to save, but since I just graduated, my school can no longer gain me access. I was told to reach out to BrightSpace to sort this out. I do not need unlimited access. Just a week or so in order to download…
how to integrate canva with d2l
how to integrate Canva with d2l
What data is passed from Brightspace to EAB Navigate?
We have yet to see a functioning demo where we understand what data is being pulled into EAB Navigate I am searching for documentation that shows how the tool should work as we are running out of time to create our own training Has anyone integrated with EAB Navigate?
All Aboard with Rob Belliveau! Exciting New Partner Podcast
Check out an exciting new podcast featuring Rob Belliveau! Come explore all topics related to online learning, including: 🆕Latest & greatest course design approaches ✔The nitty-gritty of course ROI You won't want to miss these conversations to learn innovative ways to develop an online learning program!
Use for a provincial charity
Does anyone have experience using Bright Space with a charity such as BC Search and Rescue? I am looking for details on the cost of this kind of use. Also, any information on whether Bright Space will hook up with WordPress would be appreciated.
Destiny One unable to create courses in Brightspace as inactive
We are having trouble getting Destiny One by Modern Campus to make course shells that are inactive through IPSIS. In order to create the integration event in Destiny One and have it processed, the course needs to be active in Destiny One and after the start date as it stands. We would prefer the course shells arrive in…
Kaltura vs Bongo
Has anyone transitioned from using Kaltura for videos in Brightspace to Bongo? We are considering this transition and are looking for direct comparison information and to hear from others who may have done this.
Error message is returned after a due date has expired.
The error is (LTI error: {"type":"http://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/apiprop.html#invalid-token","title":"Unauthorized","status":401,"detail":"The access token is for another tenant"}) It is occurring for a limited number of course student sets when a due date passes. What is this error message and what may cause it?…
CITF course LIBF
Hello guys i am amr and studying CITF in trade finance is ther any body here study the same thanks
Third-party Apps and Pulse
We've had reports from customers of the "Index, Unable to load session parameters" occurring on Pulse. We've had this issue in the past with iOS and Safari, but a tweak of the privacy settings to allow tracking resolves it. However, we're getting this with both Android and iOS when using Pulse. So, wondering if any other…
Genuinely confused where to start.
We have a tool that we would like to build a Brightspace integration for. I've visited here (https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/basic/firstlist.html) but nothing is linked out to the places to take those actions. I'm going in circles - can someone point me in the right direction? Much appreciated.
Studyforge Emails to Teachers
I have removed a teacher as instructor for a class and assigned the class to a different teacher. However, the original teacher still receives the Studyforge notifications. The new teacher does not. How can I fix this?
Where can I locate a listing of products that can be integrated into D2L?
I'm specifically needing to know about NetTutor and GMetrix. Any guidance/assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks