Roadmap question: What kinds of question types will this AI generate?
The following was taken from the Product Roadmap for Fiscal Year 2025 Q1: Artificial Intelligence: Generate Quiz Questions | Beta Program - Restricted |Easily generate assessment questions using your Brightspace content with AI technology. D2L is committed to providing users with AI-powered tools, streamlining content…
How can TA access view assignment question and instruction in order to grade the assignment?
Hello, How do I sign up for the Zoom training?
Help woth accessing quiz
my professor gave me permission to redo a quiz but I cant access it for some reason
Hello, I'm having trouble locating the labs for https://holmesglen.brightspace.com/d2l/le/content/48
Is it with the Cisco Acadamy we do all prac work through? I have reached out to IT who told me to contact the teacher directly.
Hello, I'm having trouble locating the labs for https://holmesglen.brightspace.com/d2l/le/content/48
Is it with the Cisco Acadamy we do all prac work through? I have reached out to IT who told me to contact the teacher directly.
I am having Issues with seeing Asignments in bright space
I am unable to see when assignment are due in my bright space portal for uindy can you help me with this
Left indent for whole module in Brightspace
Hello. When I create a new content page in Brightspace, the text is automatically aligned to the far left of the page with no left margin. I have tried using the "left to right" indent in the editor, but it will not move the whole body of text- it will only indent the first line. I would like all of my content to have the…
Throw out a quiz question
Hi All, Got a question the other day about quizzes from an instructor. He realized after students submitted and had graded a quiz he created that there was a question that could have been misinterpreted by students, leading some to get the incorrect answer. I showed him how to edit the question so that all students in the…
Video recording on D2L using MacBook
Hello! I currently have a MacBook air M1 chip. There is a feature where you can change from the terrible quality 720 camera to use your phone camera as a webcam and use an adapter to hold it in place. I have the adaptor and have used other websites and apps to try it out and it would perfectly. Usually, there is a…
Unity App to submit xAPI data not LMS hosted.
Hi there. I work for a studio and we are invastigating building a Unity Game that submits xAPI data back to a D2L LMS. The intention is not to host the application on an LMS, but instead to have it run localy on people's machines, so authentication would need to be managed via API requests. Is this something that is…
How do I add Bonus Points to the grade book?
We played a Bingo class in game to increase participation, but I'm not sure how to add Bonus points in my grade book for the winners.
Adaptive release by date/time
Hello does anyone know how I set/create adaptive release for a date/time rather than on a 'condition'. If I go to View release conditions on a content folder it seems to give me every option but date and time
In FIB questions, how to keep blanks in the same line of the question?
Hello, I have troubles formating Fill in the Blank questions. Sometimes the blank box goes in the same line as the sentence it is part of, and sometimes it goes to the next line. Sometimes the part of the sentence that follows the blank is in the same line as the blank, and sometimes in the next line. How can I format the…
Quizzes and Apple iOS Computers
Has anyone heard if the issue with students using Apple iOS computers who are experiencing difficulties submitting and accessing quizzes on Brightspace is resolved?
Pulse - videos
Is there a plan to allow videos to play from within Pulse? In fully online courses, students often use mobiles to watch video as they commute or at other times when their personal computer may not available to them. Would like to know what development plans are in store for Pulse.
where can I find Practicum Preparation Course
I need it for HIPAA, OSHA Hazard and OSHA Blood Borne Pathogens.
Regarding Access Token With OAuth in c# console application
Hello Team, I tried to get access to Token in my c# console application but got an error like the below An error occurred while generating token: Status Code: 400 Response: {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Missing \u0022client_assertion\u0022 parameter"} Failed to obtain access token. Can anyone suggest me…
D2L Creator + Practice Sorting acitivity (JKB)
I am currently working on a D2L Creator + Practice Sorting activity. The activity has seven searchable items. I want to keep four of the searchable items and delete three. The four searchable items I want to keep have been named and have an image assigned to them. However, I am facing a problem where I am unable to delete…
Does anyone have a comparison chart for the user roles?
We are trying to determine which new roles or altered roles we need and find it cumbersome to compare roles through the system.