Hey Brightspace Community Members! Don't miss out on all the fun we have during our Community Events! Stay tuned and "Bookmark" this discussion thread. The Community Crew will be posting "Event Alerts 🚨" here so you can get in-platform and email reminders when an Event is coming up. (Set your notification preferences) We…
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Connect with Community to share your feedback about the types of events and Learning Center resources you want to see more of, so that we can get busy creating these experiences for you!🤟🏽 For more opportunities to give us feedback about your Community Experience, connect with our Community Experience Survey or share your…
What are other Clients doing with Brightspace? Are there Free Downloadable Resources you can get access to? Can you share a resource with Brightspace Community? Check out our Brightspace Community Spotlights!
Welcome to the Brightspace Community! Have questions about how to use this space? Check out our Community Corner Knowledge Base for more information! Getting Started With Community - Brightspace (d2l.com) Need a helping hand with something? You're very welcome to post in this thread and be sure to introduce yourself too!
How do I get my knowledge enhanced from this community.
I made this account by mistake and I’m wondering how to delete it
Hello. I registered for the Brightspace Ideas webinar series and when I got the registration confirmation email and added the events to my calendar (downloaded the .ics file), that the date for the November webinar was different. In the calendar file, it is scheduled for Wednesday November 13 but in the article and on the…
As you can see below, I have bookmarked this post but it does not show up when I click on "My Bookmarks":
I wasn't sure how to send this information - I wish there were a quicklink on your knowledgebase documentation pages to report an error. There are two broken images on the page: These two:
Wondering if someone can help with this very specific issue: I created a Category in my Gradebook for "Assignments" because I only want to count their best 10 submissions towards their final grade. One of my Assignments has two parts - Group and Individual. Each part is associated with a different External Learning Tool…
With the SMS notification option going away, how soon can you update your webpage instructions on how to personalize instant notifications for email and SMS? https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/1779-view-and-configure-push-notifications-in-brightspace-pulse#configure-push-notifications
New in the community and curious as to how webinars work.
Hi Brightspace community! I'm a first time user and wondering if all the information I need to know can be found on this site and through the you tube videos?
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General discussions
You bring the agenda. Ask your Brightspace questions about teaching, course building, training, supporting or administering in our open question and answer session.
With the recent release of Outcome Release Conditions - we will be exploring some common Competency Based Education workflows and approaches using Brightspace. Join us at 1pm (UK time - 2pm Central Europe), 26th September for the below agenda: Overview of the Standards tool Summary of August Outcome Changes (Release…
Save your seat for our “Bright Ideas” 💡 Webinar Series. Each webinar is 45 minutes followed by 15 minutes of Q&A and networking. Take a deep dive with our Adoption Team into Brightspace tips and tricks for better digital learning experiences! What to Expect ❓ 📑 Learn how to use Announcements, Checklists, Surveys, and…
Join us for our AI roadmap session on the 15th October (2 - 3pm BST/3-4pm CEST). It will be conducted by Joseph Chapman, Product Manager for Lumi Generative AI Roadmap and development projects. Agenda: -Welcome to Lumi -Product Deep Dive for Generative AI Capabilities in Brightspace -Q & A -Closing and Next Steps…