We are developing a tool that is registered as an LTI Advantage. In this tool we authenticate and authorize the user, then we try to call some API endpoints (with the authorization header applied). To be able to call our selected API endpoints, we have to authorize the user specifying the right scopes. Our question is: How…
I am new to d2l api development. Can the updated manual be downloaded on single pdf file?
Our course team has a custom app that generates pages from template files and then creates corresponding modules and topics within a course in D2L. This is great for new courses we launch as course designers can play around with the structure of the course in the place we track video and other page information. A new…
Is it possible to use the valence API to upload a Common Cartridge ZIP, convert it, then create a course offering from that?
Hi all, I'm trying to use the Brighspace API to make submissions to assignments from an instructional programming environment (IPE). The students submits their work in the IPE, then the IPE submits the names of the files submitted to Brightspace. I'm using this API:…
Prospective students fill out an RFI form on the website and then are redirected to choose a course and pay at that time if they would like via course merchant. Since the information from the RFI form goes directly to Salesforce as a new lead, we would like to be notified somehow if that student went ahead and purchased at…
I'm trying to retrieve course completion information via Postman. GET {{BrightspaceDomain}}/d2l/api/le/{{leversion}}/1234/grades/courseCompletion/ GET {{BrightspaceDomain}}/d2l/api/le/1.75/grades/courseCompletion/12345/ Each time I run the GETs above, I get a 200 status, but it doesn't return any details: {"PagingInfo":…
Trying to get course related files via this endpoint: d2l/api/lp/{version}/{orgUnitId}/managefiles/ based on this documentation: https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/course.html#get--d2l-api-lp-(version)-(orgUnitId)-managefiles- however, getting insufficient scopes despite having scopes set as wildcards: { Errors: […
I did not see Oauth2 Scopes for /dropbox/folders api at And when I tried to call the api, I got { Errors: [ {Message: "Insufficient scope to call API.Required: core:*:*"} ] } When I add `core:*:*"` to my Oauth2 scopes, it worked. My question is: is this intended behavior? IMO it seems too much permission we need to give…
Hi, I teach a large class (over 300) wherein I give group assignments (4-5 students/group). Thus there are 60+ groups. I need to access the files in group lockers frequently to monitor progress of each group. Opening each group locker, and downloading the files manually is painfully time consuming. More importantly, it is…
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General discussions
You bring the agenda. Ask your Brightspace questions about teaching, course building, training, supporting or administering in our open question and answer session.
Here’s the info for our April Accessibility Interest Group meeting. Years ago, we had Louis Shanafelt come and speak to us about Equatio. We thought it would be cool to have him come back and update us on new things. Session Time: Thursday, April 3, 2025, 11 am to 12 PM ET Session Title: Equatio as Part of a Digital First…
Whether you’re looking to refine your course design or explore fresh strategies, our Leadership 201: Blueprint for Brightspace Brilliance session offers valuable insights for every level. In this session, you will receive a tour of the Leadership 201: Blueprint for Brightspace Brilliance course that demonstrates brilliant…
Save your seat for our “Bright Ideas” 💡 Webinar Series. Each webinar is 45 minutes followed by 15 minutes of Q&A and networking. Take a deep dive with our Adoption Team into Brightspace tips and tricks for better digital learning experiences! ❓ What to Expect ✅ Learn how to align learning objectives with assessment methods…
Want to stay on top of the latest and greatest in Brightspace being released this month? This session will cover all the newest release information in April 2025!