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Ask your question about anything related to access, finding your class or getting comfortable with Brightspace!
100 discussions 152 comments Most recent: The content selection window opens as a modal? by Ashwin.R.60 March 9
This is your spot to ask questions or discuss, creating activities inside your online course such as assignments, discussions or quiz!
105 discussions 198 comments Most recent: How can i align equations so each line of equation is aligned with the equals sign by Sue.S.4 February 12
Popular Tags
- Quiz 453
- Assignments 307
- Gradebook 303
- APIs 301
- New Content Experience 168
- Discussions 146
- Brightspace Community 141
- Triage 115
- Instructional Design 110
- Import Export Copy Components 105
- Brightspace Data Sets 101
- Creator + 100
- Roles and Permissions 93
- Awards 88
- HTML Templates 87
- Accessibility 85
- Partners 80
- Quiz Question Library 79
- Course Access 79
- Data Hub 77
- Groups 75
- Rubrics 74
- User Progress 71
- Release Conditions 70
- Classic Content 70