Comments function not working in PIE

Just posted a comment to the PIE. Now, suddenly I can no longer comment and no comments are visible on any posts.

Tag: Bug Report



  • Subul.I.322
    Subul.I.322 Posts: 140 admin

    Hi @Mike.B.559, thank you for reaching out to the Brightspace community! Could I trouble you to try re-authenticating by logging out and logging back in? Then follow these two steps to access PIE:

    1. Please follow the steps outlined in this article to re-initiate the verification that will connect you to PIE on your next login to the Brightspace Community

    2. PIE can't be accessed directly. You must login to the D2L Brightspace Community first.
    To access PIE:- Login to the Brightspace Community- Select 'Product Idea Exchange from the navbar or from the quick link menu found on the Community Homepage - Once inside PIE, you can search for the PIE item you are looking for, or create a new item.

    If the issue still persists, please feel free to reach out again!