Submissions and Grades with SIS Course Merge
We're exploring the SIS course merge tool as a way to manage multiple cohorts. If we merge a course, how can we link the grades to the students' original course code? We will need to do that to ensure the grades are linked to specific degree programmes. Would students upload submissions to the merged module?
Will student ID photos be generated in Brightspace?
Moodle had them automatically downloaded from our Student Administration program (PeopleSoft) once they set up their One at NAIT ID card.
Can I have API account working on devcop.brightspace.com?
Hi D2L Community! I do not have access to any D2L instance to develop applications with D2L API. So, I was wondering if it is possible to get API account for devcop.brightspace.com to test my application, I used "DevCoPStudent" account. However, it does not work as expected. Please let me know if there are any accounts…
Embedding a multi-page PDF into HTML
I can embed a single page PDF easily into HTML, however, by following the same process I only see the first page of a multi-page PDF. Why is this? What do I need to do to be able to scroll through all the pages of a multi-page PDF? These are all PDFs that have been uploaded into BS before trying to embed them.
How to add an interactive map on an assignment
Is there a way to add an interactive map on an HTML/assignment page in Brightspace. The instructor has a link to the interactive map but would like to display the map directly on the page and not have students click the link to the website.
Why are there fields (like SemesterID) in the advanced data sets but not the standard datasets?
And why aren't all the fields in the entire database available in the standard data sets? Do I have to export Advanced Data sets and the import them for analyses and vizzes? t
Page breaks within quizzes
Good Afternoon I am producing a mock exam on BrightSpace in which I would like to have specific page breaks between certain questions, however, I cannot get the system to allow a page break between the 'advice to questions' and the 'section 1 intro' (in screen shot below) whatever I try. I would welcome your help with…
How to create an acknowledgement on an assignment
An instructor has policy documents for students and wants an acknowledgement component. How can one be added to the assignment?
saving/converting quiz to print as Word document
I want to save a quiz as a Word doc (for my own record purposes). I did this several years ago but cannot remember how…
Integración Banner y Brightspace
Buen día, Estaba leyendo la documentación de la integración de Banner y Brightspace a cual tengo una pregunta, Ellucian proporciona sincronización automática en tiempo real de usuarios, cursos, inscripciones y calificaciones obtenidas desde los sistemas de información estudiantil. Pero quiero validar si por parte de…
LTI 1.3 but having trouble with authentication (/d2l/lti/authenticate). Keep getting 404s.
Hello Team, I'm trying to get our tool to work with 1.3 and brightspace. I'm currently trying to implement openid to authenticate with. Brightspace gets to my auth method fine but when I try to redirect the user to the openid auth endpoint I keep gettings 404. Checking your help it says to check I have all parameters…
NEW Brightspace Toolkit for Accessibility in UDL Course!
The Brightspace Learning Center is proud to announce a new offering we've added to our list of amazing resources on Accessibility! About the course This course is for people who want to be mindful of accessibility practices when they adopt Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in their learning context. It will help you…
I need instructors to see learner names but they're showing as anonymous.
I have assigned an instructor to a course, but the learner names all show as anonymous for them. How do I change this so that instructors can see learner names? I found a few articles about permissions, but I don't know what menu and where exactly I would update them. Thanks in davance
How to create a file topic using the API
Because we want to create part of our course content using information from the application where we develop our modules I am trying to figure out how to create a file topic. I do this using Postman but sofar all I get is a 400 error (bad request). Updating an existing file topic by uploading a new file (PUT) works fine…
Utilizing LOR to share PDFs not working.
I published a PDF to my LOR, however when the link is used on a mobile device, it doesn't show the entire document. Only the title page. When the link is used on a computer, there are not issues. Is there a way to fix this? Did I set up the LOR incorrectly?
Importing questions into the course quiz from the question library
I have saved multiple choice question items in the question library and am trying to import them into the course. When I go to the course quiz and browse the question library and try to add existing items they do not appear in the selection. How do I action this?
API Token
Hii everyone, I need information regarding API refresh tokens. Is there any way I can generate a permanent token that does not have an expiration?
Sharing documents
How can I share Word documents and links with my students on Brightspace?
When will the curriculum for BEM1O and BEP2O be available to add to courses?
We are developing the new curriculum courses, and the expectations are not yet available to add to them. When will they be available? Thanks so much!
Remove badges
Hi. I'm experimenting with badges and certifications. I've created a badge in my course when completing a checklist, executed the scenario as a learner (got the badge!), then back as a teacher I removed the badge from the course. Now I'm not able to remove the badge anymore from my account. How can I remove all earned…