How to download or have the path of the files uploaded in an task?
Hello team! I hope you're having a good day. Do you know if its posible to have de path of the files that were uploaded in a task using APIs? I want to visualize the documents that the students enrolled in a course uploaded in an specific task/questionnaire. which endpoint do I have to use with GET to have the path? Thank…
Changing a user role
How can you change a user role? e.g. from designer to Learner.
Bongo Virtual Classroom Integration with D2L Brightspace
Is there a way that we can restrict the access of Bongo Virtual Classroom meetings to invited instructors only? It works for students in a sense that only invited students will see the meeting when they click on the Virtual Classroom, but for instructors it's not the same. All instructors inside the same course can see all…
Can quicklinks be bulk course/copied?
Hi D2L community, I have setup quicklinks in my Content which were linked via quicklink → Content. Do these quicklinks get course copied over?
Discussion Board Due Dates
Hello Everyone, For the new content experience, has anyone seen the availability to add due dates to Discussion Board topics? I know in the previous instance, the option was available but not the new experience. Does anyone know how add that feature or know if the option is on the road map? Some faculty at our institution…
Outcomes Evaluation
We have an issue where our outcomes data does not automatically populate based on the entered grade. In the screenshot shown, you will see the student received 100%, but the met/not met outcome criteria is not automatically marked. Instructors have to go into the assignment evaluation tool and manually mark each scale for…
Media Library Videos/Audios and Courses Using Them
Hello, Is there a way to locate all Courses Org Units that are using each media object in the Media Library? I looked around in Data Hub and I could only find a report called "Media Objects" which provides the media object's Content ID but not the org units that are using them. Thanks Rim
Global Announcement (Release Condition for Specific Parent Org Unir Doesnt Works)
Hi, can anyone help me, I'm using Global Announcement and using release condition, im using Org unit for department, the expectation is all under departmat get the announcement, but didnt work. pelase help
Fusion 2024 - Networking / Meetups - Admins / Developers RE: CSS / Visually customizing your courses
Hey there fellow 2024 Fusion attendees, It appears that there is not a dedicated discussion forum for / on the Fusion site, so I thought I would reach out here. If you are a fellow admin or web designer / developer tasked with implementing branding / visual tweaks to your courses — utilizing custom CSS and / or the Content…
This before That.
Anyone game to share their tips on things that work better in BrightSpace if you do 'em in the right order? I'm thinking gradebook here. And maybe competencies. Other examples welcome.
I would like the ability to move items from one checklist to another. I frequently make weekly checklists for my students and sometimes we get behind and it would be easier to move items around rather than delete and recreate.
Where do I add the syllabus on brightspaces?
Where I can find my course and students
New Learner Experience View of Units
Hello, This may be a longshot, but I'm wondering if there's a way to style or format the white box that appears at the top of the page to show students the Unit (Module 2) and Continue button of where they're at in the course (see screenshot)?
Enabling Intelligent Agent(s) in Course Offerings
Hi Everyone, is there a way as a Sys Admin I could enable the IAs in all courses using a filter of some sort? Basically, we have IA's setup in a template that will be copied over when our courses are created using IPSIS. However, the AI's are created but not enabled in the course itself even if they are enabled in the…
creating short answer questions with alternative answers
How do you create short answer quiz questions that allow for multiple acceptable answers--for example, autograding an answer that allows full credit for giving someone's first, last, or both names
tutor me 24/7
Hi, I am in an English 102 class for the summer semester. I would like to have my essay revised before submitting, please let me know today if this is possible.
How to Backup/Export Content by Bulking
Hello i need help for export/backup content file, like award, content file or something like that, if there any posibilities to do that? Thank You
Managing 2 different quizzes, 2 different awards within one course
Hi We have two different groups of learners doing segmented content within the same course. We're using Sections for the first time and think we have the segments and release conditions for the different content, quizzes and awards under control, with the exception described below. In the Gradebook, both quizzes display…
how to conduct online course
How to use D2L online
How can you adjust previous results on a quiz when quiz is updated?
We had to adjust the marking in a quiz because it was not set up correctly and was being scored out of 1 (numeric value here for satisfactory), but the quiz really needed to be graded out of 20 and a grading schema applied. Luckily there are only three student attempts so far, and future ones should be correct. But how do…