Why would new students enrolled to a course not receive emails when old students do?
At the beginning of the academic year we enrolled newly starting students to our Student Life course. When emails are sent they are not receiving them, but returning students are. Does anyone have any idea why this might be?
Can typing an "announcement" be turned off when the instructor is in "learner mode" ?
I've had the frustration of typing out an entire announcement while I was inadvertently in "learner mode" only to have the announcement vanish after I hit "publish" and an "Error" statement appears that I don't have the authority to post... It would be great if the "announcement" interface was not available when the…
Can quizzes reference a pool, rather than copying questions from a pool?
I've got question pools that I use to make quizzes. Right now, it seems that Brightspace copies questions from the Question Library into the quiz. But if I edit the questions in the Question Library, those edits don't percolate down into the quizzes that have used those questions. Is there a way to link a group of…
Expiration Date Question
How do I know when my subscription expires?
I just deleted my Content!
Can I get it back? I had several copies of the same units in my shell...I wanted to clean it all up so I deleted a bunch of the doubles. Well I guess it deleted ALL of the second copies as well! Now its telling me Page Not Found. Can I get my course Content back?
How to restore a content from a subpage ?
Hello, I inadvertently deleted an important section of my content. How to restore a content from a subpage ? Take care, TetznerL
Video publishing errors
Hi there, first time here, I keep trying to set up a learning repository in Brightspace but keep getting various error messages when I go to publish and wondering what I'm doing wrong or if there's some issue with my account in publishing. Uploads always work out fine but on the "importing" page I am getting a few errors,…
Release conditions not working?
After discussing with several folks at my institution and Brightspace itself, it seems there is no solution. Assignments have release conditions connected to Group enrolment, yet these same assignments remain visible (and open for submission) to all students.
Posting later in Activity feed
I have made comments in the activity feed of my class and then selected "post later". Both times, they didn't show on the day/time I selected. Any advice?
how do I connect my courses to brightspace
how do I connect my courses to bright space
iam not able to do my quiz due to wrong password
how to change quiz password
D2L Question - "Use this Score" option?
In D2L, what is the "Use this Score" option mean? I see in the Dropbox, but am not sure what it means. Thanks
Latency issues so I can not access Brightspace from France.
Has anyone been able access Brightspace from France? This has been a problem for years for me. I used to stack open requests to get in. This no longer works. Ideas? Perhaps a VPN?
How can I extend the quiz deadlines for all students regardless of whether they have taken the quiz?
Several of my students cannot access a quiz even though we haven't reached the deadline yet. I extended the original deadline, but a number of students who haven't taken the quiz still see the original deadline that has already passed, and therefore cannot access the quiz. I've been breaking my brain for the last hour or…
Pulse login issues with iPad
I'm encountering the following message when logging in the Pulse app on iPad: "Safari can't open the page. Error: cannot parse response" Has anybody run into this? I used to be able to use the app on the iPad with no issues. Please help.
Using anchor links on a content page causes the horizontal nav bar to disappear in instructor view
I am using anchor links on a content page as a footnote reference in the following way: Coding for the index in the text: <li>Recruitment page for the company’s project management office: “Global Project & Alliance Management”<a href="#t1fa" name="ftnref1"><sup>1</sup></a>, where you’ll find an overview of how “Our…
I'm having trouble adding image to a discussion thread
I'm confused as to why I cannot add an image to a discussion thread. I've gone through all of the correct steps as far as i am aware, but cannot seem to get it to work. Can you help?
license version issue
Hi, I have a license for VMware 16.x Pro and i should have a license for 17.x Pro. How can I get that corrected?
I'm new here I was wondering "Why is the smiley face on my Profile Red?
I was searching through this web page and was just wondering why my icon smiley face was red? Do I really need this site for my classes? I'm attending Midlands Technical College in the fall and I already signed up on the Midlands Technical College site is this a different site not related to Midlands Technical College.
Deleted quiz points still calculated into max points
I deleted a quiz from my content and grades but the points associated with it are still calculating into my max points available to students. How can I fix this?