I just deleted my Content!

Can I get it back? I had several copies of the same units in my shell...I wanted to clean it all up so I deleted a bunch of the doubles. Well I guess it deleted ALL of the second copies as well! Now its telling me Page Not Found. Can I get my course Content back?

Best Answer

  • Jeffrey.M.844
    Jeffrey.M.844 Posts: 67
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    Hello @Deanne.H.105,

    When deleting content from within the content tool, you are presented with two options. Depending on which one you select, it may have this effect.

    You can think of a content topic like a window through which you are looking to view the actual contents (HTML file, activity, etc). Understanding this, a duplicate content topic in this analogy is like two windows through which you are able to view the same underlaying contents.

    If you choose the first option, you are deleting only the window, but the contents remains.

    If you choose the second option, you are deleting both the window and the contents. In the case of a duplicate content topic, deleting one content topic (window) and the contents (file) would have the effect of leaving behind one window into a room in which the contents has been removed.

    Now that you understand how that works — and how to avoid this in the future (choose the first option if in doubt)— here is more information about: How to Restore Data in Brightspace. For this particular situation, you should engage D2L Support within 30 days of deletion. If your organization subscribes to End User Support, you can reach out directly. If your organization does not subscribe to End User Support, you will want one of your Approved Support Contacts (ASCs) to reach out on your behalf.

    I hope that helps!


    Learning Administration Manager