How can I submit my student's work in a dropbox without having to borrow his identity?
admin account won't login
Admin account won't login
Automatic Zeros after Due Date
How can I get the gradebook to automatically assign a zero when the due date has passed?
Hello. Is it possible to delete a mistakenly submitted assignment before it is graded
Hello. Is it possible to delete a mistakenly submitted assignment before it is graded
How do I set a release condition of taking the survey in order to take the quiz?
I am attempting to set a release condition for my quiz. I have three surveys saved into my course already. Whenever I select the release condition "Survey attempt completed"- brightspace says "no surveys available". Why is Brightspace not recognizing that I have surveys in the system.
What are some of your favorite tools for student and instructor accountability?
Hello! I am curious what the community thinks are some of the best tools for student and instructor accountability. Things like login times, submission times, feedback response times. Tools that help administrators keep students and instructors accountable. Thank you:)
How do I give the facilitator role the ability to adjust due dates?
How do I give facilitators associated with programs that use our Brightspace platform the power to change due dates without granting them the ability to change assignment grades and other specifications? Our goal for our online program is to give our students flexibility with their education, but we still want to implement…
Is there a way to have intelligent agents run on certain dates for my asynchronous courses?
I am wanting to run my intelligent agents on specific dates to remind students that they should have completed certain quizzes and/or tests by a certain date. Unfortunately, all I can see is the option to run the agent in intervals of "daily, weekly, etc". It would be great to set up my agents at the beginning of the year…
Inline Feedback disappearing
Hello, A couple of students have reported their inline feedback from their instructor is missing. We have discovered the inline feedback an instructor leaves on assignments disappears after about 6 months. Is there a setting that can be adjusted? We DO NOT want the inline feedback to disappear, especially if the student…
Export Levels of Achievement from Mastery View
There are options to export the traditional grades from the Grades tool, but I can't seem to locate a way to export the levels on standards from Mastery View. Is there an export option for Mastery? Is there an API we could harness to export ourselves if the option hasn't been built into the UI yet?
Students writing on uploaded content files
In one of my courses there is a tool bar that pops down over pdf documents that allows the student to write on the file. In my other courses I do not have this tool bar and I would like it. How do I add it so that the file I upload can be edited by the students in their content spaces?
Missing My Courses Widget in Homepage
What steps do I take to make the My Courses Widget appear for all instructors in our school? I set up the homepage to enable this widget to be displayed. My admin log-in works fine but my instructors and learners are only seeing the courses they are enrolled in the Course Selector.
Is it possible to use intelligent agents to send emails to parents?
We are wondering if it is possible to trigger an email to parents using intelligent agents.
Where has the Turnitin Feature Gone?
I used the turnitin feature this past semester for plagiarism and AI detection but now the option isn't available. Was turnitin removed? It no longer has the option available in the evaluation category. I read through the following and it doesn't help
Use of Glossary or other suggestion
We are in the process of revamping our ASL course. We were thinking of adding the videos with vocabulary words into Glossary. We tested adding, and the lag time is tremendous. I would love to know what other schools are using for language courses to be able to house their vocabulary videos.
Previewing Grades and Comments for an Individual Student
It is not possible to use the "preview" feature for the last student in the grade book. To fix this I have changed the setting from last name to first name so that student is no longer last. However, I have a course with only one student in it and I'm wondering how I can preview that student's information.
I want to utilize the Content Section better in Brightspace.
Not sure if you can help or direct me. I want to insert content onto my students' brightspace. I want to upload a PDF file that students can modify. They would be able to circle the correct answer or even add a word or sentence. I know how to add content and add a PDF file . Just not sure how to add a modifible file.…
Should parent and guardans get announcements on their feed that are posted by their child's teachers
Should parents and guardians get announcements on their feed that are posted by their child's teachers?
"Preview" from Grade Book is Missing Comments
I have some colleagues who have mentioned that when they click the arrow beside a student's name in the grade book and go to the "Preview" They are no longer able to see anything in the Comments and Assessments column. My feedback is still there, but I am commiserating with my colleagues at the loss of their feedback. This…
How do I access the live chat feature in ASC Support?
How do I access the live chat feature in ASC Support?