Quick Eval - the PDF work that students submitted does not show up.
Hi there, Previously under the Quick Eval, teachers are able to view the PDF submitted by students. But starting from last week, the PDF is not visible anymore. Help please. Thank you.
Forget Password link not working
Hi, Whenever our students or staff click on "Forget Password", there will be no link sent to the email addresses to reset. Please assist.
Merged: Free Webinar! How TCU and SIDES Address Accessibility using Brightspace and ReadSpeaker
This discussion has been merged.
Edited Quiz Not Showing for Instructor
Hi - one of our instructors told me that they edited a quiz in BS and when the students open it, it’s fine, but when they try opening it to see it still gives them the old version. How can they fix this?
Inserting a chart
I would like to insert a 2-row chart (title row and row with the information) into a page. I want the title to be clickable so that when it is clicked it will open the rest of the chart which is hidden until the title is clicked. Is this possible and if so, how? Thanks for any help.
Move Lesson back into Unit
One of our instructors accidentally dragged and dropped her First Unit into her Second Unit. Now her First Unit is a Lesson in her Second Unit. How does she get it back? She tried to drag it back but it won't go. When we click on the First Unit/Lesson the option to Reorder is greyed out.
WCLN courses are doubled up
WCLN courses are doubled up - multiple "unit 1", multiple "unit 2", etc. What are the next steps to fix this issue?
How do you integrate OneNote Class Notebook to Brightspace?
Does Class Notebook integrate with Brightspace and populate students? What is the process to do that. Can send me a link with the steps?
Bulk Course Copy
Hello I am trying to do a bulk course copy, but when I am populating the courses, i cannot find a way to get the Course offering ID number. Is there a place to get all the course offering IDs under a parent course?
Navigation Link
When faculty click on the quicklink in the navigation bar to a page, they get an error. See attached.
Where do I go to allow a role have the permission to see past courses?
View default from 20 to 200
Hello, How can we change the view on the classlist page and the gradebook page to view 200 instead of the default to 20? THank you
How to Turn Off Spell Check in Fill in the Blank Quizzes
I found an article that says spell checker can "be turned off for all quizzes at the org unit level". I have no clue where to do that. Can someone explain where I need to go? Thanks :)
SIS Roster for the New School Year
Our SIS sync isn't pulled the new courses/sections. What do I need to do to pull the new school year's data?
How do I embed a youtube video?
When I just put in a link it doesn't connect.
How do I make a use inactive when course is completed?
I have done the D2L rollover training course AND attended a webinar on rollover and still no one can answer my question. I work in an asynchronous program and I have a student who has completed a course and wants it off his dashboard. Is there a way to make him 'inactive' or unenrol him withOUT losing his data? Seems like…
Spaces that I Need Deleted
I would like every line to look like line number 1 with location and object and the two blanks all on one line. However, number 2, 3 and following have an extra space that is added. I have tried html and everything else I can think of to make this space after 2. location: go away. Thanks in advance…
Class Progress -- Content Completed
For Class Progress, I would like the students to be listed in terms of the content completed and not alphabetically. Is there a way that this can be changed? I would like this to be the default since my students work at their own pace. Thanks :)
I need access to SAML management.
Is chatting with support still available?