Calling all K-12 Teachers!
We would love to hear from K-12 Teachers about how we have organized our Brightspace help documentation. If you're a K-12 Teacher, and have a few minutes, please take a moment to complete this short survey: Tool-based navigation survey – K-12 Teachers Also, if you're part of the D2L Champions Program, you can submit your…
Single Profile Widget Not Loading
The Single Profile Widgets are not responding or loading in any of my courses. In the past this widget has worked fine, showing the contact info I configured it to, but after I edited it a few weeks ago, the Single Profile Widget only shows a loading circle instead of any information. This loading circle is also on the…
Quick Eval slow to load!
Hey everyone, I'm noticing a major slowdown with the Quick Eval tool loading. It can take 30-50 seconds to refresh, or load whenever I visit. This includes when I first load it, mark an assignment, and then return to the Quick Eval screen to go to the next assignment. Is anyone else noticing this and what might be causing…
Quick Links need to be entered twice
In assignments, when I highlight a word or phrase to quick-link, it asks me to type in the word or phrase in a pop-up window. Why do I need to manually type in something I just highlighted? This word processing 101 and should be expected on any platform in the year 2025. Again — so many extra clicks for something that the…
Single Profile Widget - Spinning Wheel
Hello, for some reason, one of our instructors keeps getting the spinning wheel on their single profile widget and the option to configure it does not do anything. Even me, as the super administrator can't try to resolve this. Any idea what may be happening?
"assignment" tool pop-up after student submission = Misleading to students
Hello! When students submit an assignment, the "assignment" tool pops up for them and provides an overview of the assignments completed and which ones are next to complete. That said, this tool is misleading because it gives the students the impression that this is the course outline. Students click and attempt the next…
Embedding MS Stream Videos: Permission Issues
We have had several faculty members try embedding MS Stream videos into their courses and run into several issues related to permissions. Basically, even if a video is set to be available to anyone to watch, they get an error in Brightspace saying "You don't have access." Has anyone else run into similar issues and/or…
Can my progress meter on my table of contents show assignments instead of topics?
I have removed the display for now but it is confusing to show 'topics' and have students think that they have finished a topic when there are still assignments to complete. I want the progress meter to show 'assignments' in that table of contents widget instead. Is there a way to do that?
Work To Do Widget Is Skipping Ahead Two Weeks When Creating The Upcoming Task List for Some Students
Why would the list of upcoming work exclude the work due over the next two weeks for some students, but not all. For more detail: Students who are mostly on track with posted due dates see all work due for the next two weeks, as well as all work due for the next few months. Students who have a long list of overdue work…
Dropdown Fill in the Blank Practice
Two requests for the dropdown fill in the blank Creator + Practice. First, the right minus wrong feature does not work for us, please fix. Second, it would be perfect if the users could check their answers without completing every dropdown. We have a use where the teacher would like to give a timed test, to end at 3min so…
Is there a way to get the Visual Table of Contents to show topics completed?
Good morning, I am wondering if there is a way to have the Visual TOC to show topics completed instead of just visited. For example, if a student clicks on a test or assignment, but doesn't actually complete it, the Visual TOC will show as complete. I am wondering if I am missing a setting. Thank you! Laurel
Content Progress Time stamps
I have a student that seems to be moving quickly through the course content and interactive videos. which made me curious why he's been able to finish things so quickly. When I've looked at the 'Content Progress' section of the 'Class Progress' tool, it is showing that he's made one visit, spent a good chunk of time on…
How can install the Slim Announcement widget to my org
Ive read the page on the slim announcements widget, but it is not available in my org. Using the Slim Announcements Widget - Brightspace Please help?
Is there a way to attach release conditions to my embedded practice questions (using Creator +)?
We want to make sure that students try to engage with the practice questions in the lesson.
If i change the session limit from 0 to 1 will it break anything ?
I want to change the d2l.Auth.Sessions.UserSessionLimit (org) from 0 (infinate) to 1 so that learenrs cannot have a second session open when doing tests, there was some concern over cheating. If i set this to one will that do the trick or is this a system where behind the scenes it needs more than one session to function.
How can I change the layout of the Content page?
Hello, On the Content page, I would like to use the space on the right of the screen currently occupied by an empty column so that Content is wider, and less scrolling is required in a Course. I found that I can select different layouts for Homepages that I have personally created, but unfortunately I have not found any…
LaTeX Code Not Displaying Consistently
I have a quiz that involves a lot of LaTex. When students take the quiz, half of the students will not have the LaTeX render. Instead, they see the LaTeX code (ex. \frac{3}{5} ) It either works for every question, or it fails to render for each question. This is happening on lab computers where they are running the same…
Is there a way to see the cumulative time a student spends on Topics?
When I go to a Student's Progress --> Content --> Topics Visited I believe the time I see only reflects the last time they were there. For instance: I can see a student has visited a Grammar lesson 8X but has only spent 1m 44s there. This does not make sense since she would have watched a video, completed the work and…
Choosing the Email type
Hello. My district is in the process of implementing Brightspace and will be starting our pilot very soon. There are options when setting up email in Brightspace and I'm wondering which way most districts/authorities have gone. Brightspace Email (Course Mail) seems the most similar to what I am familiar with in Moodle.…
Getting Not Authorized error when creating user
I am getting "Not Authorized" error while creating user in D2l. Scope given: "core:*:* users:userdata:create" Any help appreciated
I am trying to access Product Exchange Ideas to vote (PIE) and I am do not have access.
There was a problem processing your authentication.Your username/password was invalid or your particular user does not exist on our system. If you have any questions please see your system administrator. Are you able to assist? Thanks, Maureen