Is there a way to remove release conditions for one student?
When students have IEPs, there is often the accommodation to reduce number of tasks. Sometimes I would like to remove a task for one of these students, however the only work around I have found is to impersonate the student and submit something for them. I realize that I could create a "group" for that student to give them…
How to create a Section without questions — say just a reading?
How do you create a section in a quiz that doesn't have questions — such that you can create a page break. I want the students to start the activity by reading some text, then advance to the next page with various questions. In Moodle you can just select to break up questions, so 2 on this page, 3 on the next, 1 on the…
Hi, How can I open me ebook ?
How do we insure that emails are just internal to our course and going to external addresses?
We use the K-12 lessons for format of Brightspace.
Does anybody on here have first hand knowledge of importing a gradebook file into our grade book?
I'm not sure if is there where I can turn to. I am a new teacher. After retiring from 38 years of teaching, I am now teaching remote full time. I teach personal finance and K12 does not have built in curriculum. Do any of you know how to help me? I'm going to include a screen shot. I see a sample file, but does it have to…
How can I create an announcement that will be pushed out to all of my courses at once?
I teach a Math Lab that has 32 courses. Is there a way to create an publish an announcement for all 32 courses without having to go into each individual course? (Same for the 'About Me' widgets) This will take forever!
Progress>Content (Required and Optional Topics)>Time Spent
Is there any way to pull this data in an exportable excel file so that the time spent for all students in a course can be viewed in a single document without having to view each student individually? My school is very focused on evidence of student learning and engagement. As we all know. in the online setting students can…
Instructor Permissions
I want my instructor role to be able to reset passwords manually and send password reset links. Where am I finding this in permissions???
Optional or Required
Where do I set this up for an individual page?
Multiple Choice Quiz is Pending Evaluation
I have created a new multiple choice quiz and when I test it, it says "Pending Evaluation". Just to clarify, there are no written response questions in this quiz -- only multiple choice questions. Another multiple choice quiz I made in the past is working as expected and giving a percentage mark upon completion. I'm not…
user name change
Hello, I would like to inquire if it’s possible to change the usernames for all learners simultaneously. Could this be accomplished using the Bulk User Management or Bulk Auditor Management features? Thank you.
How do we email students within Brightspace they receive the emails in their gmail or outlook etc.
We can have notifications for assignments, announcements etc set up within the bright space platform but what if we wish to also send the email to the student/parent gmail etc.
Bongo Virtual Classroom Integration with D2L Brightspace
Is there a way that we can restrict the access of Bongo Virtual Classroom meetings to invited instructors only? It works for students in a sense that only invited students will see the meeting when they click on the Virtual Classroom, but for instructors it's not the same. All instructors inside the same course can see all…
Can quicklinks be bulk course/copied?
Hi D2L community, I have setup quicklinks in my Content which were linked via quicklink → Content. Do these quicklinks get course copied over?
When will the curriculum for BEM1O and BEP2O be available to add to courses?
We are developing the new curriculum courses, and the expectations are not yet available to add to them. When will they be available? Thanks so much!
Where can I get access to course resources?
Hi, I was informed that through this site, I can access resources to entire courses (in this case Grade 10 science)
How do I set up KTCA rubrics and grading schemes?
We've been gradually migrating from Edsby to Brightspace. Does anyone know how I can do the following: A. Create a KTCA rubric similar to the image below. B. Set up my grade book with KTCA achievement levels. C. Create a report card similar to this? Thank you!
How to create a report?
As a teacher, is there a way that I can have the system create a report for me? I know how to access all of this info within my HUB, however it is time consuming to look up each item for each learner. How can I have the HUB compile a report for me of: date of most recent quiz completed date of most recent assignment…
Using Microsoft Login
We are new to using Brightspace. We had our local IT department configure the necessary plugins for users to log in to Brightspace using their district-provided Microsoft accounts. However, when we created an account and tried to log in using this method, we got the following error: "Brightspace by Desire2Learn Sorry, but…
Does D2L automatically have Readspeak?
Hello, I am new to Brightspace and D2L. I work in British Columbia Canada in an online High School. I have a student who would benefit greatly from a text-to-talk program for Life Sciences 11 (Biology 11). Does the D2L/Brightspace package automatically come with text-to-talk abilities or does the student have to download…