MCQ based Quizzes and novel AI tools such as Aceify.ai
Hi there, I just stumbled across this new chrome extension called aceify , which seems to be able to recognise questions in a quiz and will flag the correct answer based on AI algorithms. Has anyone tested this for quizzes by chance? Anything we can do to prevent this?
Credly Badging Integration
I'm looking for any feedback anyone is willing to share regarding their experience with their Credly integration. Thanks in advance!
How can we have bonus items replace a student's lowest grade?
We have bonus quizzes and assignments. We want these quizzes and assignments to replace a student's lowest grade IF they complete the extra credit. Additionally, we want an extra credit evaluation to add one point to the student's final exam if they complete it, how can we do this?
Is there a way to default pin current term courses for students?
Hello, Is there a way to default pin current term courses for students? We are going to provide access for students after terms have completed, but want to know if we can create a way for the current courses to be pinned by default? Thanks, Pam
Middle Name in Grades
Hi everyone, can i show middle name in Grades?(Administrator side) Thank You
How to implement personal view change to All org Unit (for Grades)
Please help i cannot find any possibilities way to change personal view in Grades and can be implemented to all org unit in one config. Please Help
Drop lowest 2 grades
Hi, Is there a way have the lowest 2 grades drop automatically? I know you can go in and exempt grades/assignments from the total. If a professor doesn't want to go through 20 or more students and exempt their assignments individually, is there a way to do it automatically? Thank you, Shaina
Quiz not displaying points for questions?
I have a professor who has one quiz that is not showing the points for each question when the students look at their feedback. Quiz in question: Another one of her quizzes: I have compared the settings for the quiz in question with her quizzes that are displaying the points and I can find no difference. I must be missing…
Here I am trying to find how to connect a chatbot to D2L and Brightspace does not even know what a chatbot is. Dare I ask, when will D2L accommodate a personally-built, customized chatbot?
Discussion posts hidden from students when created in Content tool as a new forum?
We have turned on the New Content Experience for all of our current summer term courses. A faculty member reached out to me with a question because his Discussion posts (which he was creating in Content and then toggling to visible later) where not visible for students. I figured out that the issue comes from the creation…
Why can't i upload bulk feedback if the student has not submitted anything?
We have exams that are written outside of D2L. Until now they have been uploaded as feedback to to an assignment dropbox one by one. It is very time-consuming. I have a process to remain the file correctly so they can be bulkuploaded but unless there is an actual submission by the student it does not work. I there any way…
How to bulk insert a course evaluation link in courses
Is there a way to insert a module or link in existing courses. Bulk copy of module or link to every course is the task.
I would like to inquire about the pricing for integrating a Learning Management System (LMS) into my school's continuing education program. Could you please provide information on the associated costs (month and year)?
Datahub - Brightspace Datasets
Hi, I'm wanting access to Brightspace Datasets, specifically User Logins. I have manipulated the settings to turn these on but they don't show up in my Datahub. The Advanced Datasets are all I have. Permissions shouldn't be an issue as I am a Superadmin. Could anyone tell me why I am unable to access the standard…
Working with ePortfolio and artifact isn't showing when I click on it.
We are creating a presentation and the links to a PDF and Word doc won't open. It won't do anything until I Ctrl+click then it will download it but we want it to open. Popup blockers are turned off. There are display options for the artifact, but the "Display artifact in-place on the page" is grayed out. Is this a…
Intelligent Agent for newly enrolled learners
I have a course where around 2000 students are already enrolled. I used to send a welcome email to the previously enrolled learners manually from my personal email. This is a lot of work, so I want to set up an intelligent agent that will send out an e-mail to learners who are newly enrolled into the course moving forward,…
Change the default Email postmaster address?
Do SuperAdmins have the access to change the d2l.Tools.Mail.PostmasterAddress ( Instance ) under Config Browser Variable settings?
Data Set that includes Cascading Enrollments?
Is there a data set that includes cascading enrollment data for Course Offerings and Course Sections? Neither 'Enrollments and Withdrawals' nor 'User Enrollments' appears to include cascading enrollments. Thanks
Certificate is not being awarded
Hello I hope you can help. I've set up a simple course with a course completion certificate if learners meet have visited all content modules and topics (only 1 requirement). I've ticked that 'Award hidden until earned: true' Can you explain why the award is being generated automatically to any learners who meet this…
It is possible to embed checklists for staff to use?
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has found a way to embed a checklist that instructors on the course could use. I'd like to create a checklist for setting up a module that I could add to the introduction page on all of our courses so that instructors could tick things off as they prepare their module for teaching. However,…