Sub modules vs. Modules in Classic content?

What are the pros and cons of using modules vs. sub modules in Classic content? Can anyone share some examples of how you have effectively used sub modules? (I am looking at this from an instructional design standpoint how to best use them. We are converting from Blackboard from Brightspace so I am trying to get a handle of this.)


  • Alfredo.F.151
    Alfredo.F.151 Posts: 66
    edited June 2024

    Hi, @Lynn.B.961 !

    First, you may see we have 3 different Content experiences

    • The Classic Content Experience
    • Lessons, and
    • The New Content Experience (Lessons)

    You can decide in which course you apply a style.

    Specifically, if you use submodules in a module, you´ll be able to organize your content better for the student experience. For example

    Module 1 = Unit 1

    Submodule 1: content for Unit 1, PDF, Video, etc.

    Submodule 2: Activities for Unit 1: quizzes, assignments, discussions.

    If you are looking for some inspiration for your instructional design, I´ll recommend you to visit our learning center and visit these courses:

    Welcome to Brightspace! 💚

  • Lynn.B.961
    Lynn.B.961 Posts: 14 🌱

    Yes, thank you so much for your reply. I have taken the full Brightspace Certificate training so I am understanding what modules and submodules are in the Classic content. However, I want to dig a little deeper and understand how people are using them - specific use cases and pros and cons of using them or not using them. When we convert our content from Blackboard, it all comes into the module, so I am trying to understand what I might want to put into submodules and what I don't want to. If anyone can lend some examples of how they use submodules or why they didn't elect to use submodules, that would really help me!