Calling all Higher Education Instructors!
We would love to hear from Higher Education Instructors about how we have organized our Brightspace help documentation. If you're a Higher Education Instructor, and have a few minutes, please take a moment to complete this short survey: Tool-based navigation survey – Higher Education Instructors Also, if you're part of the…
Example making a submission to an assignment using the API?
Hi all, I'm trying to use the Brighspace API to make submissions to assignments from an instructional programming environment (IPE). The students submits their work in the IPE, then the IPE submits the names of the files submitted to Brightspace. I'm using this API:…
getting started as a student
Hello community I am doing the tours and just wanted to test out this feature as a test.
Can't view attachments to surveys
Hello, A professor created an annonymous survey with questions listed in a Word Doc rather than creating the questions within Brightspace's Survey tool. Students submitted their responses via attachments after they downloaded and filled out the Word Doc. The problem is that the instructor cannot access the students'…
Restrictions - Sections - Display configurations
Hello D2L community, We created a course but now we want to know how to more effectively restrict our audience to access certain content. We need to grade each user individually, but we have different modules inside the course (3) with scorm objects from which we take grades for quizzes. However, we also have a guide…
Error Message in Question Library
My Question Library shows "There are currently no sections or questions contained in this section." However, the Sections Sidebar shows a number of sections. When I click on them to delete them, I get this error message. Can someone advise how to get rid of these sections in the sidebar?
Classlist in Alphabetical Order
When I go to classlist, select the arrow and choose for students' names to be listed in alphabetical order from either last or first, only a few names are listed in order and the rest are not. Is this an issue that's been reported before? Is there a way for me to resolve this on my end?
Virtual Classroom Attendance
Hello, I had previously sent a ticket inquiring if we could add the student ID# numbers with the student names in the virtual classroom attendance tracker. The response was no. We have classes with mandatory attendance requirements and multiple students with the same name, so we cannot differentiate who attended. I had…
Peer assessment tool
Is there any way we can enable peer assessment tool in our LMS? Does Brightspace offer any tools with no need to purchase a third-party or external add-on?
Discussion Uploads
Hello! What is the maximum space allowed for discussions? Some of our discussions require students to attach videos and powerpoint presentations. Thank you!
I do not see a menu bar at the top of for instance pdf or office files when added as content pages
Hi, I noticed that recently (I can't quite remember when) I don't see a menu bar anymore when vieuwing pdf or Office files in Brightspace. There used to be a menu bar at the top, as shown in the following image. But now I don't see it anymore. Is this feature or a bug? Perhaps a Brightspace update removed that menu bar.…
Adding a note and notification to an updated file
Hello, Is it possible to add a note to an updated file so that students can see a brief description of what was updated? I'm guessing this can be done with the new Description box feature in NCE, but can it be done in a way so that students receive a notification when a new version of a file is updated? Thanks, Yildiz
Why my Laptop's CUP usage and RAM utilization goes to 100%
Hi, I am a faculty member of three different universities. At two of the universities, I am using Brightspace (LIU and CUNY) and at the third one, I use Canvas. I am using a Lenovo Laptop with 16 GIG of RAM and intel Core i7. Whenever I access Brightspace, both from CUNY and LIU, my task manager shows CPU at 100% and RAM…
Has anyone hosted live events with their students (i.e trivia quizzes for socialisation purposes)?
I'm exploring the idea of hosting live events on our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to enhance social interaction and engagement rather than focusing solely on assessing course content knowledge. I’m curious if others have experience with this or are implementing something similar. What platform or video conferencing…
Trying to determine cumulative grade
I have been reading the posts about final grades and viewed the video, but I think I may be missing something. I want the cumulative grade "so far" to appear BUT the grades I'm seeing seems to be calculated on the work done so far, divided by the points of the assignments completed. For example: Why isn't the denominator…
Gradebook interface --sliding nav bar?
Hello, There's a professor who is experiencing a weird phenomenon of the Navbar sliding away as he gets from one side of the gradebook to the other (as shown in the attached video). Anyone know why this is happening? Thanks!
Is it possible to create a quiz where the questions are graded one by one?
Survey - Reports Generation and Editing
Hello D2L community, We have recently opened a new module in our D2L course shell, and as a part of this learning journey, we have set up surveys. I would like to know if there is any way we can generate reports to see the students' numbers (part of our university ID) without leveraging that question in the survey itself.…
Assignment submission receipt email
Hi everyone, I’ve noticed that Brightspace sends an automatic email to learners every time they submit an assignment, even though I didn’t add an email address in the Notification Email field when setting up the assignments. I would like to stop this automatic submission receipt email but still want learners to receive…
Regarding Shuffling Questions and Sections
From the documentation I read, when creating quizzes with Sections, the main Shuffle Questions setting under the "Timing & Display" should not affect questions within a Section however when I previewed, the questions within/under the section were also shuffled as well as the section title. Perhaps I'm not associating the…
MIDI files
We have a robust Music Industry Careers, Management, etc. department at my institution and they have asked about how to upload MIDI files into Brightspace. I don't see it as a supported file type anywhere and was curious about what others may be doing to support these types of courses.