Is Dropbox a default option in Brightspace, or an "extra"?
I have been using Brightspace since I started teaching in 2019 and have grown to love the platform (having used Web-CT/Blackboard and Moodle in a previous role). I recently started as a part-time sessional instructor for another college, and thankfully, they also are using Brightspace. However, a third-party "lab" platform…
Marking All Posts in Forum as Read
With project group forums especially it would be very convenient to be able to mark all posts as read. This is much more work if you have to go into each topic. Since I have many groups posting in their own topics - the number of active posts in the home page is useless as there will always be group posts I don't care…
Error: Internal Error
Error: Internal Error There was an error processing the page you requested. Contact technical support. Tell them which page you tried to reach and how you got this error message. What should I do about this error message?
Updated version of document in Content Area
I’m trying to upload an updated document version, but the old version still appears when I view it. I’ve tried dragging and dropping, uploading a new version, and even deleting the old one, but nothing seems to work. What am I doing wrong?
Is anyone else having issues with the module thumbnails on their course home?
Hi! I am an ID and have been working on designing an online course in BrightSpace. I currently have photos on the description of the modules so that they show up on the course home thumbnails (see below). At the moment all the thumbnails show up as the course banners though I have different photos for each. When I go into…
Group Name Issue During Course Copy Process
When courses are copied, either manually or through the CCB process, the group names are transferred with the placeholder: D2L.LP.TextProcessing.UserEnteredText. Has anyone come across this error before? Thanks.
Error Viewing Specific Class in D2L
When I login to D2L, I can view the landing page of classes perfect. However, when I click on a specific class then it's a messed up display and I cannot view any links. (Image Attached) This happens on multiple devices and browsers as well as different IP addresses and the university at this point has reached their limit…
Can the popup message "New content is now available!" in Lessons experience be disabled?
When users satisfy release conditions on a page in the Lessons experience, a popup message appears towards the bottom of the interface that reads "New content is now available!" and links to the released content with a hyperlinked message "Click to visit new content." We find the popup distracting. Can these popups be…
HTML Templates v5 broken
I am trying to install the new HTML Template version 5: https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/26484-html-templates-version-5-0 So far, I have unzipped both the (1) template package and (2) course package, and have done so both (A) locally on my hard drive and (B) within a course shell via Manage Files (as per…
Why does the Visual TOC widget image not match the course banner image?
Hi - For some reason the Visual Table of Contents (TOC) widget image does not match the course banner image - for all my courses. However, this is not the case for other people who are enrolled in the course - the images do match for them. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Assignment Annotation Tool Issues on iPad
I use the annotation tool in Brightspace on an iPad to grade assignments. The pen tool works fine but I can no longer add typed notes. When I select the notes tool and click on the document where I'd like to insert the note, nothing happens. The text tool also isn't working in the same fashion. I have an iPad Pro…
Why anytime I make a discussion post there is a big blank space at the end?
For some reason at the beginning of this year anytime I reply or make an initial post on a discussion post there is a huge blank space at the bottom. It doesn't matter if I copy and paste or just type directly into the box. There is always an empty space at the end. Some help would be appreciated. I have gone through the…
i need to upload groups to course
i need to upload groups to course with importing csv.file
Why is my banner darker than the original image?
Hi All, I created separate banners for each class but when I upload them they are considerably darker than the original image I created. It's almost as if there's a layer over them. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a way to clean it up? Thanks!
Creating a quicklink to a content module
Hi folks. I'd like to create a quicklink to a content module. I know how to create a quicklink to a single item of content, but I don't seem to be able to create a link to a module of content. I'd like to be able to point students to, let's say, this week's work is in the Topic 1 module, or watch all the videos in this…
edit comment on assignment submission issue?
Has anyone else had instructors report they cannot edit a comment they've made on an assignment submission with the annotation tools? I want to correct a comment I have previously added, it allows me to edit it but will not save the new edit ie. it reverts back to the old comment? is this a known issue please or is it…
My Roll changed. Search feature now shows hundreds of irrelevant courses
Under the Import/Export/Copy Components, there is a "Search for offering" function under Copy Components. It used to display search results of courses I was an Instructor for. Recently that has begun displaying search results for every course my department has ever taught since the beginning. My role in my organization was…
Email out-of-office
Hi all. Is there a way to set up an auto-reply for email messages received in Brightspace? More and more students are sending late night and weekend email messages through the course shell and are expecting an immediate response (even after being advised in News that one will not be forthcoming until the following day).…
Updated / edited / new merged content only shows in "parent" unit.
Updated / edited / new merged content only shows in the "parent" unit. Nothing at all shows in the individual courses. This is rather urgent. Thank you!
Cannot save new/edited quizzes
The 'save & close' and 'save button' when creating/editing quizzes is not responding - on multiple computers. A simple question was posed last sept. on here. I'm attempting to use Verity by Yuja - not sure if that might be causing an issue?