BS locking up while trying to save
Over the past few weeks, BS has been locking up and going to a greyed-out screen when I am trying to save feedback. It has happened with different browsers, different courses, different assignments, and different networks.
I am unable to access the final exam link to turn in an essay.
Hello, I am taking and ENGL Lit class and the final exam does not have a link to turn in the essay. I have emailed the professor for help and she told me to contact Brightspace.
deleted assignment
Hi, How can I recover a deleted assignment from the assignment tab? I accidentally deleted one of my students' assignments.
HEIC file preview not supported
Hello, can you please clarify (or work on incorporating) HEIC image preview for assignment submissions? This has been a standard format for Apple devices since 2017. https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/file-types/image/raster/heic-file.html
Setup Wizard
I have three classes set up in BS, ALL classes are set the same in Setup Wizard (grades). Two of my classes show the students their final grades at the top when they log into BS to see their grades, the third class doesn't show the grade. EVERYTHING is set the same and yes, Release Final Adjust Grade is checked. Any ideas…
Students not receiving password reset emails
Hi there, We have been getting an increased number of reports where students are requesting password reset emails, or I manually attempt to send the emails and they are never received. The students emails are gmail, yahoo and hotmail. Can you please look into this? Thanks
Prevent file downloading
How do I prevent learners from downloading files? Joan
Potential caching or updating issue in classic experience on Content
I have a professor who updated the due date in content, it appeared saved, but when refreshed the old date reappeared. However, the corrected date showed in Assignments and on the calendar, it only appeared with the old incorrect date in content. I corrected content by deleting the assignment and then adding it back. Any…
Regarding "Quizzes - Improved experience for generating quiz reports | Updated"
I am wondering why the UX team did not sufficiently consider the implications of the changes in the user interface for downloading quiz and other types of information in CSV or Excel files. With the old interface I was able to click on the down arrow next to the item, select grade, select download CSV, and it would happen…
I cannot confirm my phone number for SMS notifications
Hello, every time I hit confirm your mobile number, nothing happens. I don’t receive a text message, does anyone know how to fix this issue?
Dropbox files changing format of student papers
Do we know if there is a cause or a fix for the grading display of student papers in the dropbox that is changing the format of the paper? For instance, a student submitted a properly formatted MLA paper with their name and page number in the top right corner. However, on my end it displays in the grading window as the…
Wrong Submission
Good day, I have made a wrong submission for my training and development course for peer evaluation for group assignment. I really need help as the submitted file is confidential and i will like it deleted before any of my group member sees it
"Past due" and "New submission" errors that won't go away
All of my students submissions show as past due despite there being a due date and a grade entered. I have tried "mark all as complete" and it does nothing. Similarly I have a list of "new submissions" in my assignment list saying there are 57 new submissions (for an assignment due the second week of class in which all…
Matching question
Just curious if I'm the only one who thinks that the matching question works backwords. It's very confusing to setup and use. I've been trying to use it to identify parts on an image with numbers pointing on the image and having more choices than there are numbers but the only way to have more choices than numbers is to…
Dropbox files sync
Hello, I insert lots of dropbox links in content. It has been working fine up until recently when files (PPT, Word docs, etc.) have not been updating on Brightspace content as I make changes to them as they used to. I find my self having to relink when it is really the same file and link except I have made a slight change…
my cousre next course is not on my portal
my next course is not on my portal for Kineo
has anyone experienced an issue where the webex office hours do not display for all students?
anyone experienced an issue where the webex office hours do not display for all students?
User progress
hello , is there a way to reset a user progress in a course, i did try to rest the grades and the quizzes attempt but the user is still able to see the modules from where he finished and i would like to reset that from the beginning so he can start from module 1 and pass again the quizzes to see the other modules, even by…
How I can update my profile role
Is there a way to reset my role on the user profile?
Students removed from groups randomly glitch?
Hello, I am currently a teaching assistant for a class that uses Brightspace and I noticed that at some point this semester students were randomly removed from previously created groups that they were enrolled in for seemingly no reason. There are a total of 11 groups in the class consisting of 4 to 5 people, and the…