Uploaded a PDF w/in links but the links are not linkable
An uploaded PDF that has links to websites, do not show as linkable. Other than entering same info in a file, are there alternatives. Thank you
Can you embed a website in NCE?
Hello, Many faculty on campus are switching over to New Content Experience to improve navigation, but are facing roadblocks such as embedding websites. As shown in the attached images, it is recommended to have the link open in a new tab, but the embed option is still there. However, when embed is selected, faculty get an…
What effects the accuracy of quiz logs for quiz entry?
I have been hearing a few reports from students who say that they have been able to enter a Brightspace quiz, take the quiz, but cannot submit the quiz. I have now had two different students who have had this problem, and one of the students has had the issue happen a couple of times throughout the semester. Presuming I’m…
'Feedback Released' email but no feedback/grades when opened
Hi, Is there anyone who has received the Grades published email but is not able to see the results/grade? I am so worried about this not knowing if this is a technical glitch or should I be concerned about academic misconduct or something else (Which is not possible, as the work I did was solely mine. I did not use any…
Where are the training guides in pdf format?
I would like an introductory faculty course in pdf. Do you have something like that?
Nexus of University of Winnipeg
Hi, I cannot sign in to the U of W nexus through Brightspace. Can you help? I use a MacBook Air.
Question Library : FIB
Is it possible to create a FIB type of questions with Rows and Columns (i.e. 5 rows and 3 columns). For instance ??? = boxes to Fill In the Blank Age Subject Group Name 1 ???? ??? ??? Name 2 ???? ??? ??? Name 3 ???? ??? ??? Name 4 ???? ??? ??? Name 5 ???? ??? ???
Restrict Network switching SSID/WIFI
Hi, I am looking to use the ip restriction and wanted to know if once the quiz takers start the exam if they are allowed to switch networks or does d2l detect that they do and as such kick the quiz taker out? Or something simmilar?
[Brightspace Admins] Are there any concerns with creating too many roles?
As a Brightspace Admin, you can create new roles which have custom permissions. We are discussing adding a new role, and would like to check with the community if they have had any concerns or can raise considerations for adding new roles, and having too many roles on the system?
Quiz ID
Does anyone know where to find the Quiz ID number?
Grades displaying "days late" messages for items from Assignments
When we have an "open date" and a "due date" set in Assignments, Grades is displaying a "days late" message for learners who have not submitted the assignment. This appears to be new this semester. When I contacted support I was told the only way to remove it was to turn off the due date, which we don't want to do. Has…
I've tried everything available in Brightspace to "unexempt" grade items but it is not saving the changes even after hitting "Save and Close". Any ideas?
Do you have an updated guide for using the Instructional Design wizard?
I need to establish course objectives and learning objectives aligned with each other or show relationships.
I've tried everything available in Brightspace to "unexempt" grade items but it is not saving the changes even after hitting "Save and Close". Any ideas?
HT see Instructor Post if "Must Post First" is set in Discussions
We have several of our Discussion Forums set so that “Users must start a thread before they can read and reply to other threads.” However, we also ask instructors to write a “First Post” in the Discussion Forum that opens the door to the topic and shares tips for students. We would like students to be able to see only…
Can upload documents to a former classes' rubric to check it and download the results?
I basically have a former class that was fully developed including assignments and rubrics. Now I am teaching a similar class, but without the fully developed D2L. So simply put, I want to upload writing assignments to the former class and evaluate them according to the former rubric (and Turnitin).
Can moodle Calculated (and similar) question types be imported with functions intact?
My university has migrated to Brightspace. I was previously using moodle. I teach statistics. I have hundreds of "calculated" type questions in my moodle question library. Some seem similar to "Arithmetic" questions in Brightspace. Others seem more like "Significant Digits" questions. So far, after importing the moodle…
Allow users' to view an expired/closed course
Please share your organization's best practice on how we can allow users to view an expired/closed course—but NOT earn a certificate. Is this handled through an intelligent agent role change with different roles and permissions assigned to that specific role? Such as a 'Read Only' role?
How do I UNDO the change in the point value of a quiz in the Brightspace gradebook
How do I UNDO the change in the point value of a quiz in the Brightspace gradebook The grades were from 50. I changed the max point to 25….all grades changed to 25. Can I undo this? and have all grades back again from 50?