Group Feedback Publishing Issue
I was hoping someone could help and I am just missing something. I have a group project with assignments per group. When I try to publish feedback for one of the assignments, D2L tells me it has published the feedback, but under "Published" it still says 0/10 and none of the students receive the feedback. Any ideas?
Add User
Can I add other users to the community under Ball State?
bulk assign groups in a course
is there a way to use the Bulk user management feature to assign students to groups. I already have the groups made in the course. The groups are based on class year and I want to upload each class year, enroll them in the course and assign them to the group. Is this possible?
Change class progress show history of the last 60 days instead of 30 days?
Can we change login history that shows for past 30 days to past 60 days in the class progress?
classlist not working?
I've been entering a student - enroll, confirm, done - and then when I check back in the classlist they're not there . . . any insight?
Do you identify your athletes in Brightspace to make it easier for instructors work around schedules
If you identify your athletes in Brightspace, how do you do that? Our Athletic Commission is asking for this and to attach the student athlete's game schedule for instructors to be aware and be better able to work around it. Solutions are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Intelligent Agent Release Conditions
I am currently working on setting up Intelligent Agents and was curious what Release Conditions work best when trying to connect publisher linked content? I was considering 'Has Not Completed Content Topic' since these are external learning tools, does that work to catch if a student has not completed work?
How to provide different rubric mark for individual students in group assignment.
Some of my group assignments include an individual component but the whole piece is submitted together. My current rubric includes both group and individual components but I can't figure out how to get D2L Brightspace to allow me to publish the group grade and then provide a separate individual grade that utilizes the…
Problem with quiz question add to random section
When I’m creating a quiz bank, using the random pool option, I cannot import any questions from my question library that are in folders. I’ve tried an apple device and a Microsoft device using Safari and using Google Chrome.
can D2L quizzes track when i switch tabs while taking an exam and what the name/URL of the tab is?
can D2L quizzes track when i switch tabs while taking an exam and what the name/URL of the tab is?
Adding myself as instructor but email invite is not going through
After creating a class, adding the instructor to send invite but emails are not sending to instructor to access resources.
Microsoft Reflect Integration
Has one integrated MS Reflect into Brightspace? I am trying to but it is not working. But before I spend too much time trying to get it to work I'm wondering what the integration produces. Based on the instructions here: it seems like all it does is add a link to the nav bar which I can do without integrating the tool. Any…
How long does it take for BDS 9 to take effect once enabled?
This article doesn't appear to indicate how long it takes for the system to update to BDS 9 once enabled. I might be missing it completely, but I only noticed a "once it takes effect note". I'd like to know so I can update my Insights Reporting accordingly as it recommends. Any ideas on how long it takes once the setting…
What does 'Manage Files' in the Tool Access report refer to?
The Tool Access report shows a table and a pie chart representing the percentage of overall views for each tool within a selected timeframe. One of the tools is 'Manage Files'. It is unlikely to be referring to the file management tool which is not accessible to students. (In the image, only the 'Student' role was…
How can TA access view assignment question and instruction in order to grade the assignment?
Hello, I'm having trouble locating the labs for https://holmesglen.brightspace.com/d2l/le/content/48
Is it with the Cisco Acadamy we do all prac work through? I have reached out to IT who told me to contact the teacher directly.
Hello, I'm having trouble locating the labs for https://holmesglen.brightspace.com/d2l/le/content/48
Is it with the Cisco Acadamy we do all prac work through? I have reached out to IT who told me to contact the teacher directly.
Throw out a quiz question
Hi All, Got a question the other day about quizzes from an instructor. He realized after students submitted and had graded a quiz he created that there was a question that could have been misinterpreted by students, leading some to get the incorrect answer. I showed him how to edit the question so that all students in the…
In FIB questions, how to keep blanks in the same line of the question?
Hello, I have troubles formating Fill in the Blank questions. Sometimes the blank box goes in the same line as the sentence it is part of, and sometimes it goes to the next line. Sometimes the part of the sentence that follows the blank is in the same line as the blank, and sometimes in the next line. How can I format the…
D2L Creator + Practice Sorting acitivity (JKB)
I am currently working on a D2L Creator + Practice Sorting activity. The activity has seven searchable items. I want to keep four of the searchable items and delete three. The four searchable items I want to keep have been named and have an image assigned to them. However, I am facing a problem where I am unable to delete…