Time Restricting Assignments
Thank you for any help you can provide. I am brand new to Brightspace. We are looking for a way to deliver "cases" (in PDF format) to your graduate students this summer, and to have our students attempt and submit responses (in Word format) within a set period of time - for example 90 minutes. I've found that I can create…
Help me change the number of users I can view in my gradebook!
I have watched the tutorials. I know where to go. I just can't change the number of users in my gradebook - why? How can I fix this? In most of my gradebooks, I can see all of my students without having to save the page and go to another page…but in two of my courses, it only shows me 10 students at a time. When I am in my…
phone number
Hi, I am looking for a phone number that I can talk to someone about my issue that I am having. Is there an actual number I can call? I am an Super Administrator. Thanks Corey Thompson William Woods University
HTML Templates
Hello all, I am looking for some instruction on how to edit existing HTML templates that are shared across my organization. Thank you so much!
Saving Drafts in D2L Discussion Board
I am currently navigating the D2L platform and have encountered a problem with the discussion board functionality. In Blackboard, I am accustomed to using the 'Save Draft' feature to work on my posts over time before submitting them. I have looked for a similar option in D2L but have not been able to locate it. If D2L does…
Quiz vs Exam
What is the difference between a quiz and exam?
Data Hub Enrollments and Withdrawals, EnrollmentType
Every day I download several files from the Data Hub, including the full dataset of Enrollments and Withdrawals. Today the EnrollmentType column is missing. I can't find any information about this change. Thoughts?
Finding Language Packs
Hello, We have some courses that are popping up that need a different language pack than our default. I understand the process to create the language pack in Brightspace and create the new locale but I can't seem to find where to download the language pack for upload into Brightspace. Does anyone have any insight into…
Why are Topics not showing under some of the Discussion Forums in Class Progress?
I have an instructor who monitors students' discussion posts through Class Progress. In Class Progress, if you click on Discussions you can see the forums along with the topics. However, for some reason the topics are not showing for every forum. When I go to Discussions, the instructor has set everything up correctly. I…
Extra Users in Dropbox
One of our instructors has extra users in her dropbox - and none of these extra users are part of the class list. I tried to click on Cory's name and delete but nothing happens. How can I remove them?
Quiz only showing summary but not allowing students to take it?
I added a quiz I had previously created to a module using Existing Activities. I was able to add the quiz, however, when I click on it, the quiz just displays the instructions, I cannot access the quiz. When I go to the quiz from Quizzes in the NavBar (as a student) I only see a quiz summary, I cannot take the quiz. Help!
"You must complete the following quizzes for alerts to be enabled: Quiz Name"
A student is getting this message, "You must complete the following quizzes for alerts to be enabled: Quiz Name" in their Update Alerts bell. Why would a student need to take a quiz in one specific course for their alerts to work? Have you seen this before? What do I need to do to fix this?
Overwriting a file in NCE not working
Hello, Faculty are having issues with overwriting files in NCE. When adding a file and then being prompted to overwrite the file or create a new file, the overwrite/replace option doesn't work. When the overwrite option is selected, the old file remains. Others have experienced this problem when deleting the old item and…
Is is easy to share videos made in Creator+ with other courses taught by the same instructor? Can the video be shared so that another instructor could use it?
When I export users I recieve an error message
Hello, When I try to export a list of users I receive an error message. I am attempting this through the data hub. Please advise. The error message is { Errors: [ {Message: "Forbidden"} ] }. I am a super admin. -Andrew
Why doesn't Brightspace Community Events include those posted on D2L.com?
Under Events on Brightspace Community, the www.d2l.com/events are not listed. For example, there is an event on April 9th from 1-2 pm titled Using AI to Design Better Online Learning. I don't find that referenced anywhere within the Brightspace Community. I just wondered why?
Discover - Role
Hi there, Does any know if changing the following config variable, d2l.System.Enrollment.LearnerRole, is only applied to Discover courses? We'd like to change the role for Discover courses, but are unsure if changing the config variable will impact students enrolled via SIS. Thank you for any help with this, Saafi
How to Hide Past Course Offering based on Semester
Hi please help how to hide course offering base on semester, by bulking too Thank you
Range of points in a rubric
Hello, Is it possible to create a range of points using the analytic rubric? I have an instructor who wants the ability to click certain level, but assign points as they see fit within a certain category. Here's a segment of a rubric they're currently using. Proficiency 20 – 16 Effective 15 - 11 Developing 10 – 6 Not Met 5…
What are the best practices for administration of course that are 'open'?
I'm looking for information about how to best administer courses that are not restricted to a term, but that have continual enrolment. How can they be best created and archived so that the class lists do not become unwieldy? Apologies if this question has already been asked; I appreciate any information about this that is…