I'm curious to know what others in higher ed are using to track and manage attendance. We're using the Brightspace attendance registers but are finding the reports in the Data Hub to be limited. Are there any other vendors who do a really great job with tracking attendance and reporting. It would be great if it integrated…
How do I add Creator Plus to one course in D2L
grade item exemption
I have instructor who has exempted a midterm grade item for a student. They want to know how to get brightspace to calculate the weight of that exempted midterm grade item onto another midterm grade item. Does the fact that the gradebook item exemption is already in place already take of this essentially? The instructor…
Deactivating Courses in Bulk
Hi there, Does anyone know if there's a way to deactivate all courses in bulk? Essentially, we're looking to deactivate academic courses at the end of the semester. Thank you, Saafi
Student uploaded new paper and overwrote my comments and grades... can I get it back??
I just finished grading my student's paper and I had added annotated comments to the paper throughout. At some point today my student uploaded another copy of her paper and because I had the settings turned on to keep the latest submission only, the original paper with all my comments has disappeared. I had saved it as a…
Bulk edit in NCE?
Hello, In the old Content, there was an option to bulk edit dates and restrictions of content; however, I don't see that option in the NCE. Is there a way to edit dates without tediously clicking on each content item? Thanks, Yildiz
Course banner and homepage widget
Is there a way to change the course banner without it affecting the homepage widget? We are updating to the New Learner Experience but when doing that all of our course banners need to be edited, which then messes up the homepage widget as well. We're hoping to keep our current widgets on the homepage and just update the…
Why aren't the D2L.com/resources in the Brightspace Community?
I am a member of the Brightspace Community and therefore tend to look for events, webinars, and other learning resources on the community site. Why aren't the D2L.com/events not linked somewhere within the Brightspace Community? Or are they there and I just can't find them? Searching for an event title brings no results.
How to archive courses?
We have several courses from 2019 - onwards that are still available for faculty and administrators. The goal is to archive the courses after each graduating class leaves. I saw that Data Purge may be the way to accomplish this - how can I use this tool? Ideally, the steps would look like this: Designate obsolete courses…
List of Permissions
Where can I find a list of all permissions in Brightspace?
Is there a way to gather statistics in one document for the same test in multiple courses?
Transferring survey questions into a question library
How do you import questions from a survey into a question library and then export them into a quiz?
Arithmetic Questions, Possibility of asking more than one unknown in a question (autograded)
Hello, When I create an arithmetic question I could only ask one unknown in a given question. 1-Is it possible to ask several unknowns in one question? 2-Is it possible to ask some unknowns in a table like the image attached below? As an example given A=10 and B=5, I would like to ask the followings in one question. For…
Arithmetic variable number generation
Hi D2L - in the Arithmetic question creation is there a way to generate a variable based on an existing random generated variable? for example to maintain proportions for a rectangular building I would like to random generate the length {x} then generate the width based on the length, {y} = {x}*0.6?
How do I Enter your reply in the Brightspace Editor. To include the original post's text in your rep
How do I Enter my reply in the Brightspace Editor? I'm told I need to include the original post's text in your reply, by clicking the Add original post text link. How do I do this?
Is it easy to transfer questions from a survey into a quiz
Hello I've set up a Professional Standards audit using the survey tool but unfortunately our members can't see their responses after submission. As a result, I believe I need to set it up now as a quiz so that our members can have multiple attempts and see their previous responses. Can you advise . . . Is there a quick way…
How do I log into a second Brightspace account with another university?
My account automatically signs me into my first school's profile.
SIS Integration with Ellucian Colleague
My institution is currently setting up SIS integration between our ERP system, Colleague, and Brightspace. Any feedback feedback you can provide about your experiences would be helpful, particularly around issues like how to associate courses with programs. That doesn't seem possible (or at least easy).
how to show my feedback under each question in Quizzes for students
Hello. I would like to know how to show my manually typed feedback for students, under each question in quizzes. Students reported they can see my feedback for some weeks, but cannot see my feedback for other weeks. I don't know much about the setting, but from my end, they all look same. What can i do to fix this issue ?
document viewer error
User has been getting this error message when trying to view an assignment submissions with the document viewer. Any idea what could be happening?